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After the phone call vic had had with Kellin he felt a little sad that he actually thought that stuff about him. But then again i guess he understands where he's coming from in a way...so with those thought running through his tied up mind he falls down on his back and closes his eyes,that is until he heard his phone go off.

Kells😋: ok so listen........

It was kellin talking about how he was sorry and asked if he wanted to actually meet him this time.Vic smiled to himself and felt ecstatic  that kellin had thought this through and trusted him enough. He leaned back up into a sitting position on his bed and typed back kellin , hearing the faint sound of the television in the backround.


I'd love too;)


And with that kellin stifled a laugh as he looked at his laptop with a plane ticket for San Diego on the front of his screen.


A/n im gettin somewhere in this bwahaha...

Mk ill leave now✌

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