Ok so the title is pretty explanatory, it just going to be filled with (you have to think of rainbows and sparkles while reading the next bit) Imagination and Fangirling! I'll try my hardest to make these not to cheesy, but hey, the classic's are pr...
"Yea I asked Alby this mornin', your first day is tomorrow."
"YESSSS thank you min."
I leaped up to him a gave a short, sweet, crushing hug, he just caught before I fell I swear if he dropped me...
"I'll go tell Thomas."
"Good that."
Thomas was probably still in the mapping room doing today's section. The map room is not that close to the tree-line, it's a bit further in. For someone who doesn't know were it is actually located, it can take some time to find but luckily Thomas has brought me with him once or twice.
I found it straight away and was just about to knock on the door when Thomas walked out. I ended up hitting his chest.
"Hahaha. Hey Thomas."
"Oh (Y/N), what are you doing here." I could tell he was trying to hide a smile but failed miserably.
"I wanna tell you something."
"Well fire away, but let's talk and walk I hate this room."
As we got closer to the glade I realized I was just ranting on about today and not really telling him what I originally wanted.
"And Thomas you know how I've been wanting to become a runner?"
"Well Minho said that I can do it, I start tomorrow!"
He had this perplexed look on this face like I just spoke to him in a different language.
"What, your a runner?!"
"Huh wh-why not."
"Because I don't want you to."
"Thats no reason, Thomas what's up."
"(Y/N) I don't want to talk about hi-it!"
"Him?...... You mean Minho!"
"So what."
"What's wrong with Minho, your friends aren't you?"
He didn't answer and just started walking away. What could be so bad about Minho all he's doing is going to train me for a while I mean it's not like- Ohhh I'm going to be spending a lot of time with Minho....And Thomas is jealous.
"Your just jealous Thomas!"
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Well that stopped him, but he gave me a look as if to say I'm crazy.
"I don't get jealous (Y/N)."
He started walking again, so I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I love you Thomas."
"I love you too but I'm still not happy about you being a runner."
"Don't worry about me Tom, I be alright nothing is going to happen okay?"
"You promise?"
"I promise." ______________________________________
Ahhh I'm internally screaming at this it's so cheesy, but as I've said before sometimes they can be the sweetest.❤✌ Enjoy.