|Newt- escape|

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I feel like I'm conscious but unable to move or speak, I can feel the wires and tubes stuck into me. I can feel the mask over my face forcing air in and out of me. I remember just before WICKED hooked me up into one of these things, seeing everyone else hung up with all this stuff injecting fluids into them with a low blue light shining on them, it would of been enough to creep anyone out.

I feel like I'm floating in darkness, I can slightly hear things around me, like the beeping of the monitor next to me, probably displaying all the information anyone would need to know about me before waking me up

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I feel like I'm floating in darkness, I can slightly hear things around me, like the beeping of the monitor next to me, probably displaying all the information anyone would need to know about me before waking me up. That's only if they plan to.

Suddenly i wasn't quite just wondering around in darkness there were images appearing.


They are all coming back to me. How wicked sent me up into the maze just to be apart of their little tests, to try and solve the puzzle for the cure. And all the people I'd known before, before WICKED wiped my memory; my family, friends, pets, places... I can even remember a name. Why would I remember the name Jasmine and think of myself when I'm called Rose? Wait now I remember. I can't believe it, WICKED couldn't even let us have our own name's! Unbelievable.

As that though came it got quickly replaced by another one. My family, my mother and father, and I even had a little baby sister. I remember holding her when she was born, I think her name was Josie.

Every time I'd remember something a different memory would push its way in front of the line to get realized sooner. I remembered so many things, houses, travel holidays, candy, school, boyfriend, graduation, beaches- wait a boyfriend! I eagerly tried to bring back the memory to see who it was but it's already gone, clearly not intending to come back, I caught a glimpse of his face but not long enough to recognize him, was it brown or blonde hair....

Just as more memories were about to start flowing again I felt a hard yank from my arms and felt cold all of a sudden. I realized I gained control of my body again. I quickly opened my eyes to see two boys. One was standing near the monitor that was next to me with his hands held up like he pressed something he shouldn't of. They both seem startled by me as I probably do to them.

"Who are you guys and why are you here?!" A tried sounding strong but failed due to my cracking voice.

"Uh-uh, I'm Thomas and this is Aris. As you probably know that this is WICKED, and we well, uh...-" The boy I'm guessing is called Thomas explained.

"They said they would protect us but they're obviously lying to us. I don't trust them." The other, Aris I suppose, spoke up.

"Well why did you wake me up?" I questioned. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful but I'd like to know why they did what they did.

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