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"Mom I'm not coming home I was bought an apartment im staying here. I'm moving her to be with all my friends and so I can stay for Kelsey's wedding" I explained to my mom

"Well okay did you see her daughter she's beautiful isn't she?"

"Yeah she's mine"

"I know but your to young to be a father anyway mark was way more mature for it" she said then hung up

She knew all this time?! I finished unpacking then looked at the time. I took and uber to Lizzie's preschool and watched her get out I didn't see mark or Kelsey so I got my friend jake to pretend to be a cousin and pick up Lizzie. It was a success. I picked up Lizzie and she was talking about her day at school. We got in an uber and went back to my apartment.

"Where's my mommy" she asked walking inside as I closed the door

"Mommy went on a vacation with mark so you'll be staying with me for a while"

"am I gonna miss school? Cause I'm gonna miss my friends"

"Only a few days Lizzie"

"How do you know my name" she smiled

"Your mommy told me"

"Woah can I go swimming in your pool" she said in amazement

"Sure let me get you a swim suit" I said grabbing one of my sister lexi's old ones from her box of baby clothes

"Ou I like this one" she smiled as i helped her put it on.

We went swimming. After swimming we watched a movie and ate dinner. She yawned and laid her head on my shoulder. I love her already. I'm sure she'd understand if I told her I'm her father right?

"How do you know me and my mommy" she said yawning again

"Well Lizzie im you daddy" I said picking her up and bringing her to the extra guess bedroom in my apartment

"No mark is m daddy silly" she laughs

"Nope I am mommy just never told you about me. Mark is your second daddy"



"Cool" she smiled then fell asleep

It was still light outside so I took a walk. As seen as I stepped outside I seen missing signs for Lizzie everywhere. I ran back inside and locked my door. I got out my phone and called my mom.

"Hello" she said as like I woke her up

"Mom are you still in La" I said on the verge of tears

"Yes why"

"I did something really bad"

"I'm coming now"

-skip few minutes-

I opened the door and let my mom in. She looked at me.

"What did you do"

"I took Lizzie and now there's a search party for her"

"Hunter where is she"

"Upstairs sleeping"

"Keep her there I'll distract everyone I have an idea" she said then left

I walked upstairs and into my Room. I Laid on bed then later felt Lizzie climb in bed and cuddle up next to me. She's perfect like her mother.

Kelsey's pov

"Mark he has a right to know his daughter" I said looking for my phone

"I understand that ur why didn't he look for her 4 years ago"

"Because he didn't know she existed now where is my phone I'm late to pick lizzie up"

"I don't want him seeing her"

"Your not the father and I'm the mother so she'll see her father is I want her too"

"Um actually I'm the father too" he said raising his voice

"Technically your not" I chuckled

"You think this is funny well it's not" he said then slapped me causing me to fall to the floor

I started silently crying because it stung so bad.

"Maybe we should hold off on the wedding" I wince in pain

"No baby I'm sorry here I'm just stressed about Work and stuff I don't care if her father sees her i just want your both to be safe"

"And we will don't worry hunter isn't a threat to Lizzie" I kissed his cheek then left


"what do you mean she's not here" I yelled

"You cousin jake picked her up he said he was staying with him for a week"

"Well I don't have a cousin jake so my daughter is out there with a total stranger. What if she's hurt" I yelled then stormed out

-48 hours later-

Still no sign of Lizzie I looked everywhere. I put out signs. I filed a police report. Checked with Hunter, my aunt, maddy, even my mom no one had her.

"Babe someone's at the door for you her name is Christine" mark yelled from the doorway

I jumped out of my seat and seen hunters mom standing with a missing paper for Lizzie

"Hi Kelsey i wanted to tell you I seen a lady earlier with a girl who looked like this they walked into An apartment over in My Palm
Springs" she said I practically jumped over her and got in the car. I'm gonna find my baby girl.

-2 weeks later-

"I'm giving up mark I don't know what to do anymore" I cried again

I heard the doorbell ring and walked over. I opened it up to see Lizzie

"Mommy" she cheered

I started crying and hugged her

"Don't cry mommy"

I looked behind her and seen hunter leaning on his truck

"Did you take her?" I asked my voice shaky

"No once I heard she was missing I started looking. I went over to La and seen her sitting at a table in some diner with a lady so I walked in and grabbed her while the lady went to pay"

"Thank you for saving my little girl" I said hugging him

"By the way I didn't leave you I chased you to the airport I was just to late" he whispered in my ear

I smiled to myself. Gosh I miss him.

"You can see Lizzie every other weekend" I smiled hugging him again

I felt tears hit my back

"Thank you" he said teary eyed

We swapped numbers and I went inside. It was late so I took Lizzie upstairs to go to bed

"I had a lot of fun mommy hunter is really cool" she smiled

"What do you mean baby"

"He took me swimming we watched movies he even let me sleep in his bed When I had nightmares"

"You were with hunter the whole time"

"Yeah he's awesome please don't get mad at him he said you would never let me see him again if I told but I really wanted to tell you but I really want to spend more time with my first daddy" she smiled

"Okay hunny just don't tell your second daddy or you might never see hunter again" I kissed her forehead then closed the door.

I sighed I wasn't mad. A little disappointed but not mad.

A/n: will kunter become real again? Or will Kelsey and mark get married? Comment what you pick

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