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(8 Years Later) I'm scared and hungry but that's normal so I'm used to it but this time I have a reason to be. Someone is following me and I think they want to hurt me so I need to leave quickly, I turned and started to walk down the dark dirty labyrinth that is the alleyways so I could lose anyone who is following me only to bump into someone that made me fall to the ground, I looked up in terror only to see a large fat man with a greasy unkempt beard and a bald head glaring at me with contempt, I tried to crawl away but he quickly reached down and grabbed me by my hair which gave me a splitting headache and pulled me back only to throw me into a pile of boxes scattering them everywhere. Going somewhere punk He said You still owe me for everything I do for you ah so that's what this is about, The man who's currently trying to kill me name is Alexander but everyone just calls him Al he just goes around threatening people out of money and food and when he takes everything he will take favors instead which is worse because when he decides he doesn't need you well he is known to have the capacity to kill. The reason I'm in debt with him is because I was abandoned as a one year old child and left on his door step so as some kind of investment for the future he took me in and basically made me do everything but on the bright side because of this i learned how to read and write also basic math skills I can also cook pretty well if his gut is anything to go by. But recently he has been even more volatile towards me when usually he just ignores my existence entirely but now he beats me and starves me so much that I am now numb to pain so I'm used to it but this time is different because usually there is a reason behind them but now he is actually trying to kill me! I got up from the pile quickly and ran for the open road where he couldn't touch  me or else he would lose social standings with nobles but before I could even get three steps away he grabbed my arm and twisted me around painfully to look at him and when I looked him in his eye it was the first time I ever feared for my life because in his eye was the look of a mad man who was ready to kill and I was his target.

I was panicking and trying to escape his grip but froze when I heard the sound of metal scraping against metal, I looked at his other hand and saw with soul crushing certainty a curved steel dagger that was dripping with some kind of liquid, This is life or death now and I wont be choosing death anytime soon

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