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I opened my jaw as wide as I could and bit down on his hand as hard as I could, I could hear him screaming in pain and I could taste his copper flavored blood, I heard a loud clanging noise behind me and felt his hand let go of me so I released his hand and backed up only to step on the dropped blade so i quickly squatted down and grabbed the blade and pointed it at him while backing up backward out of the alleyways into the open streets where a crowd was forming from the sounds of screaming from the fight son, put down the knife A older looking guard wearing gold and silver armor A captain said while holding his hands in a placating gesture only for a loud scream of pure rage to scare both of us when Al ran out of the Alley screaming blood murder and that he was gonna kill me, it was terrifying so I just closed my eyes tight and thrust the dagger out in front of me only for everything to go silent. I opened my eyes to see the horror of the dagger I was holding hilt deep in the mans chest where his heart would be, I let go of it stunned as he took one two three steps back before looking down and back up at me then falling back and going still dead hes dead what have I done. I felt something warm go down my cheeks only to realize that I was crying I never cry even when someone hurts me. I felt a hand go to my shoulder and look over only to see the captain looking at me with a sad smile it's okay to cry, you're safe now he gave me a warm reassuring smile. I looked back down at the corpse of my tormentor and walked over and gripped the handle of the dagger and yanked it out in one swift movement much to the shock of the crowd and the captain then walked back to the captain and held his hand while he led me away from the scene of the murder. I dont know how long we walked I wasnt paying attention I was in awe in how easy it was to take a life and how much minimal effort it took but I was also torn up inside I just killed a man evil or not that was a blemish on my soul that i would have to live with forever is it right to feel hardly anything like I do to feel no remorse for my actions, nor happiness but there was nothing we finally arrived at the headquarters of the guard and I was led to a small room with a desk and one seat meant for me son, I brought you here for the murder of not just a man but a wanted felon so in order to get down to business Im going to need your name I looked at him for a moment before responding my name is Zero

The beginning of a AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now