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-- Zayn --

I enter the store and notice that there is a different cashier today. I wonder where the other guy is. God Zayn, why are you still thinking about him?

Well, he is attractive. Stop it Zayn, just stop it now. I've never been great in relationships. They all end in horrible fights, but it's never my fault though. They would change from kind and lovable to sour and hateful. That's why I explored my sexuality and dated some guys, but it just turned out the same way. I still identify as bisexual. Even though I may feel attracted to a person I would'nt pursue them because I knew it would'nt work.

I look at the menu they have and decide to get a sandwich. After I order it I walk around the store gathering a few items for me to have in the kitchen. When I turn around I accidently bump into someone.

"Oh, sorry." I say as I face the person. It's not just anyone though, it's that cashier. "No, sorry it was my fault." He says as he looks down and walks away. Strange. Eh, whatever.

As I pay for all of my things I spot the guy sitting behind the counter on his phone. He glanced up and caught my eye. We held each others gaze for a second before he shifted and quickly looked down. Ugh, why is he always doing this? Is he nervous or something?

People sometimes felt intimadated by my look, but I don't think that's the case with this guy. I glance over at him one last time before leaving and notice that his cheeks were tinted a slight shade of pink. Did I make him blush?

I make my way back to my flat and put everything away before sitting down. I should go out tonight, I need to meet at least a few people. It's become quite boring here since I don't even have a phone. I should get one tomorrow.

Lately, I've been thinking about my memories. Sometimes I feel like the past comes back to suffocate me, like it demands to be remembered. The only thing I can do is prevent myself from going into a dark place where I know I would'nt be able to get out.

Tonight, I plan on drinking until I can't recall who I am. It's saturday anyway. All I need is to know where a party will be happening. Maybe I should ask the cashier downstairs.

I make my way to the store. The puppy-eyed guy is not in the store when I look around. "Oi, you know any parties or bars around here?" I ask the cashier who looks to be about eighteen. "Yeah dude, there's a block party going on about two streets over. It's fucking awesome, I'll be heading over soon when my shift ends." He seems excited about this party. I guess I'll go with him, maybe that way I'll meet a few people.

"Erm, mind if we go together, I'm new around here." He grins at me, "Sure, you can hang with my friends and I. You'll have a wicked time if you stick with us." 

"Alright mate, I'll wait for you outside." I head out of the store and sit on the steps of the buildings entrance. I have'nt had a smoke since wednesday. 

I take out my pack of cigarettes and light one. Slowly, I inhale. I let the smoke out in one big puff. Ah, it feels so good to take a drag. The smoke relaxes me for a while. I only started to smoke because I needed a break from the problems in my life. In a way it consoled me. 


"My name's Caleb by the way." He offers me a handshake. I accept it, "I'm Zayn." He smiled, "Cool name, where you from?"

"I come from a small town in the UK." I don't bother saying I'm from Bradford because Americans would'nt know where it is. "Oh dude, my friend Liam is from the UK too. Maybe you two will get along, he works at the store too."

Is Liam the guy with puppy eyes? Well soon I'll find out. I just hope he doesn't become quiet around me like he seems to do whenever I'm at the store.

The music is loud, various voices and laughter can be heard. There are a lot of people. It almost reminds me of that movie Project X. That movie was sick.

"Yo Caleb, who's the guy?" Someone asks as we approach this group of guys. "Oh this is Zayn, he's new around here." I give them a nod and they do the same.

"Well, I'm Zack. That's Angel. He's Daniel and Liam is getting us more beers." So I'll finally come face to face with Liam. I hope he doesn't ignore me.

"Alright mates, so you up for beer pong?" I ask the guys as they nod there heads and walk over to a table. As we set up the cups Liam approaches us. He doesn't notice me at first, but when Zack introduces us his eyes go wide.

"Dude, this is Liam." I nod at him, "M'name is Zayn." He smiles a little. "You from the UK?"

"Uh, yeah. Bradford, what about you?" He laughs lightly. "Wolverhampton, I've been here for two years now." Hm, he doesn't seem shy now. It looks like he's gaining confidence.

"Cool, I just got here, but I'll be going back in a few months." He scratches the back of his head and nods. "Well if you want I can show you around and we can hang for a bit."

His eyes looked hopeful. Gah, they're so adorable. Dam it. I have to stop having these thoughts. "Erm, yeah sure. I live on the flat above that store you work at so you can find me easily."

A smile appeared on his face and it made me lose my breath a little. He had an amazing smile. "Okay that's cool. By the way, do you wanna be my partner for beer pong?"

"Sure mate." We played about six rounds. Liam is a fun person. He's funny, nice, and fit. Fine, he's hot. I'll accept it, I fancy him.

The night goes on. I dance a little, play some games, and I even got a few winks from some girls. The party was wicked and like I promised I would, I drank until I couldn't remember my own name.

The last thing I remember is a pair of strong arms guiding me down the street towards a building. They carried me up the stairs and laid me gently on a couch. I felt the person stand there for a few minutes before leaving and closing the door. After that, everything became dark and I passed out.

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