Ch.1: Girl at the Doorstep

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Your POV
"Be someone else for a change."
My Father had once told me.

He never loved me. When I was born, he took one look at me and decided that I wasn't important to him.
My Mother? A caring person, completely opposite from my Father. But what good is the Mother when she has no control?

Schoolmates? I don't know what I ever did to them, they just hate me for no reason. Not like I needed any friends.


I stood there, looking up. The rain was dripping down my chin.
I looked around me. Everyone was sharing an umbrella... with their 'special ones'.
"Hoodie, my best friend." I chuckled, swooping my hoodie onto my head.
I looked down at my watch.

The rain was now pouring hard, and I'm still soaking wet.

About 15 minutes ago, I got kicked out from my own house.
Well, not really 'kicked out'.
My abusive Father was hitting me again, and this time it was with a long metal pole. I still have the deep red mark on my back.
My Mother felt so bad for me and started weeping, so she sent me out of the house.... to protect me.

I'm still 18 and in need of a job, which means.... I'll probably just become a maid. Best solution.
I'll just find some rich person, and ask them if they need a maid in exchange for shelter.

I walked straight down the road, stroking my long, brown hair at the same time.
For a while there were no houses, until I stopped at a white mansion with huge glass windows.

"Perfect." I mumbled, making my way over to the doors.

I rung the doorbell and waited for the door to open.

Nothing happened.
Maybe the owner isn't home yet.

Sighing, I sat down on the steps, pulled my legs to my chest, wrapped my arms around them, and buried my face in my arms.

Time Skip~

I wake up to see white walls. Yes, plain white walls.

Wait, where am I?!
Have I been kidnapped??
Whose room is this? Whose HOUSE is this?!

I looked over at the alarm clock beside me.

I slowly got up and looked around.

I was in a huge room, not too fancy, with a desk and a 55 inch television.

I still couldn't let go of the thought about being kidnapped, although it would be strange for the kidnapper to put the victim in a room with a 55 inch tv. Isn't that a bit too much?
I gotta check if the door's locked or not! If it is, it's definitely a kidnapper, because this is illegal.
I think.

I quickly got up and rushed to the door. It was a boring plain white door, with no such design.
This was the time to see if it's locked or not.

I grasped and slowly turned the brass doorknob to the right.

It went smoothly.
It wasn't locked.

I pushed the door open silently, peeking at every angle.



I freaked out when I saw the interior size of the house. It was freakin huge!!
The whole house's walls were white, which made it look really- clean.

I looked around. I was on the second floor. There are a lot of rooms in this house.... Oh wait I'm so dumb, it's a mansion, of course it's supposed to have a lot of rooms.

I located a pair of spiralling stairs and walked towards it.
Holding the handle, I silently tiptoed downstairs.
It was so quiet in the house, it seemed that no one was home.
I walked into what seemed like the kitchen.
The first thing I spotted was a bowl of perfectly red apples. They looked so ripe and juicy, I couldn't help but stare at them for a few moments before walking towards them.

I swear my stomach was controlling my body, because my hand suddenly grabbed the biggest apple in there, and I took a bite.
I really didn't care whether it was washed or not, because I was starving.
Starving because-

I paused as I thought about my parents. My mother... I feel so bad for her.
Is my father abusing her right now?
Is he cursing at her?
Is he thinking about me?

I didn't realize that tears were rolling down my cheek. I put my head down on the table and closed my eyes. I still don't know whose freaking house I'm in right now, or what to do.
What's gonna happen with my life??
What am I gonna-...

All of a sudden, I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs.

The apple.
What do I tell them? What will they tell me...?
Well, they kidnapped me, so I deserve this apple.

The footsteps were coming closer to the kitchen.

My heart beat faster each step he or she took.
I need to step up!
Okay, okay. You got this, girl.
You go, girl!

As the footsteps came closer, I swooped up and turned around.


It was a guy-- maybe about my age. He didn't even bother to look at me, but instead went to get an apple.

He turned around and shifted his glasses up.

"I see you're awake." He says, smoothly with a low-morning tone. "Your name is-?"

I gulped and hesitated as he said that. Should I give him my real name? I really don't know him.

"Um, I want your name first." I say confidently.

He smirked.
"Kyoya. Kyoya Ootori. Now your name?"


"That's a beautiful name." He smiled.

"Thank you..."

What the heck is this guy?? Why is he acting so calmly?!

I cleared my throat and stood straight, trying my best to look strong.

"I-I don't understand where the hell I am, so I demand answers-- now!!"
I stuttered.

He kept his cheerful smile as he pushed his glasses up again and shifted his smooth black hair.

"Well you see..."

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