The Never-Aging Patron

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I hummed a tune that was neither slow nor fast as I tapped my foot. I was sitting at my favorite bar in Alberta, Canada. It was small and dingy, but the drinks were good and cheap, and the company wasn't bad either.

I knew everybody who frequented the bar, but not many would give me a second glance. I nod to Issac who was running the bar tonight, raising my glass to indicate I needed a refill. I watch another man who was frequent here smoking his large cigar.

He was a mutant, I could tell by how he never seemed to age no matter how many times he has come in here. He catches my eyes and nods in my direction. I smile innocently towards him. He knows I'm underage here. I'm only 17.

As I finished my third shot, I noticed two strangers walking into the bar. Seeing as this bar is literally in the middle of no where, I'm guessing they have some sort of business here. Looking them up and down, I mentally go over my normal deductions. Both men are fidgeting, I can feel the tremors in the Earth, ever so slightly, but still apparent to me. My guess is that they have just started working together roughly three days ago.

I watch as they approach the bar- No wait, they're looking at me. Crap. Do they know my past? Do they know him? I put my empty glass down, just noticing I had continued sipping from it even though there was clearly nothing in it.

Pulling out my compact mirror I always carry, I opened it to look behind me. The taller man's footsteps cause heavy tremors, definitely a man who is all business. The shorter man's steps were lighter but seemed to carry some sort of extra weight. I watched as the other mutant shunned them away, swearing loudly. A few people in the bar chuckle, used to the man's extensive language by now.

The men turn away, and now they're looking at me again. Putting my mirror back in my pocket of my white coat, I turned around to face them, my best fake sweet smile plastered across my lips. The shorter man smiled back, and the taller man just stared at me oddly.

The shorter man walked up to me smiling. "Hello, my name is Charles Xavier, and you must be Atiana." I stared at him, my smile faltering. "How do you know my name?" I ask coldly.

The taller man just groaned. "And this is why I said I should be taking the lead on this one." He said. "My name is Erik Lensharr, and we need somebody with your powers to help us."

I gave this 'Erik' a questioning look. "What kind of help?" I ask, intrigued by the British and German strangers who mysteriously appeared in my life.

'Charles' butted in. "I think we may want to talk somewhere more-" He glanced towards the mutant with the cigar and the other patrons of the bar. "private." I nod, grabbing my purse and taking one last sip of the glass Issac had just handed to me.

Walking outside, I pulled on my thin jacket, trying to shield myself from the snow, to no avail. "Well?" I questioned as I stood beside my Buick.

"There is man trying to cause war between the humans." Erik stated simply, but I could tell he had a lot of built-up anger for this man by the way the Earth shook, but as always, I was the only one who felt it.

I ponder the deal. I was never one for being the 'hero', but I definitely didn't want to see the world destroyed. "What is this man's name?" I ask.

Erik and Charles cast quick looks and then Erik spoke. "From what my friend can tell, you already know this man."

My breath caught in my throat as I stared the men down. "Shaw..." It wasn't a question, I already knew it was the answer. They nod.

"I'm helping." I say cooly as I grabbed my stuff from my car. Charles smiled.

"But what are your abilities?" Erik questions. I smiled and winked "Well, I could tell right when you walked in that you were here for business and on top of that, you and your partner haven't worked together long."

"Another telepath?" Erki questions as he sat in the driver's seat of some government-issued car. I followed as I sat behind Charles, playing with my hair.

"Nope" I say, popping the 'p'. "I feel the tremors of the Earth. I learned to read people that way." Charles gave me a knowing smile. "Took me a while to get it though. I also can cause earthquakes, major and minor."

"Now I understand why Shaw was interested in you. He could destroy the human race with you alone." Erik said in awe. My smile falters as we drive towards the border.

"Well; I showed you my tricks, now can you show me yours?" I smile. Erik nods as he concentrated on my necklace, and it flew off my neck and right into his hand.

"Erik can control metal, as I can read minds." I jump in my seat as I stare at the back of his head. "Cool..." I say as I tap my fingers on my legs.

Me? A hero? What next, the swearing mutant is joining?

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