Martyrs And Their Souls

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Martyrs and their souls?

It is said when death comes by.
The body leaves the soul.

It starts its journey as per the deeds.
Step 1 begins from the judgement.

It takes some time to find the Parma nanda.
The fortunate ones get to see the gates of the heaven.

But what happens of the soldiers?

I've heard people say the divine bliss can be found

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I've heard people say the divine bliss can be found.
If the person has done the good deeds.

But what happens with these warriors.
Who fight for the world?.

They give up their lives for the sake of us.
They fight against all odds and take the bullets for us.

Some kill the others thinking they are the enemy.
The cause of their nation's destruction.

But I need to ask.
Do these warriors who take such crucial steps.

Find the bliss of devine.
Do they get to see the calmness of the heaven.

Or are they just the guests of the horror struck hell.
Haven't you ever thought about this matter.

They loose their life for the sake of Commoners.
And when they leave the world of delirium.

They are kept in the memories of people for a day or two.
What is the result for these "special" laid down lives.

These Marty's who are heroes of our country.
Are they considered the symbol of great people.

Or is their existence rotted underneath?
The answer I've never been able to find Is.

What happens with the martyrs and their souls?

#WorldPeace #Brotherhood #Sisterhood #Love #Peace
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