Monsters,plans,and the weapon of all weapons.What else is new?

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We appeared in the dojo and Caleb led us to the weapon's room."I still don't see why you need this",He said as he pushed a code into a safe.The safe opened and he pulled out a golden sword.He handed it to me and I smiled.I put it on my back and we walked toward the entrance of the dojo."Ok so the weapon of all weapons can turn into any weapon imaginable right?",I asked.I'm not even going to mention how many times I said weapon."Yes",Kyle answered."You just have to tell it what weapon you want it to become." "Ok so I was thinking.Why not make it replicate the weapon Crystal and Kelso made?" "That is an excellent idea",Crystal said."But you don't know the name of the weapon." "But you do." "Actually only Kelso knows it." Oh.Great now how is my plan going to work?Wait I have another plan."Minerva can read his mind",I said."Shira can just make her invisible and teleport her to Kelso.Marquel can open a portal to send her back." "Brilliant!",Sensei Wu said."Yes I know.Now let's put my plan into action."
3rd person view
Minerva appeared on Kelso's ship and saw him looking over something.She read his mind for the name of his weapon and knocked him unconscious with a mind blast.She went through the portal Marquel opened.
1st person view
Minerva walked through the portal and smiled at us."I know the name and knocked him unconscious",She said."Alright then",I said."Lets go defeat Kelso with his own machine." Shira cast her spell again and we were transported on Kelso's ship.He walked out on to the deck holding a scroll.He looked at us and sighed."I'm not even going ask how you got here",He said."Marquel go kill him",I ordered.Marquel flew toward Kelso while I handed Minerva the weapon of all weapons.She said something to it and it became an exact copy of Kelso's weapon.Crystal pushed buttons on it and fired lasers at Kelso.He dodged the laser and backed away from Marquel.He jumped off the ship and I looked down to see him in a jet.He flew away and I went back to the others."He does realize we have his ship now right?",I asked."I'm sure he does",Tai replied."Someone should destroy the glass warrior who's flying the ship",Alex said.Kyle disappeared.He reappears behind the warrior and stabbed it.It shattered and Marquel floated the pieces off of the Bounty."Now who will fly the ship?",Zane asked.Chase ran to the helm and smiled."Call me Captain Chase the pirate",He said."Idiot",Mandy replied. "I will take that as a compliment." Nya walked up to the technology child and took the helm."I will steer-pilot the ship",She said.Chase frowned."Fine." Nya flew us into the city which now had a blue portal swirling above it.Yeah I didn't see that coming.Monsters with wings,claws,and massive bodies flew out of the portal and breathed fire upon the city.Great just great.We destroy Kelso's army and he just summons another one.But this time the monsters probably won't listen to him like the glass warriors and human warriors did."Does this ship have any weapons?",Nya asked."I don't know",Crystal answered."This is my brother's ship.My own ship didn't have any." I sighed and went into my violent state.How could she not know if this ship had weapons or not.I spotted several supplies of food but no weapons."Good news",I said as I turned back normal."We have food to last us a week.Bad news:This ship has no weapons." At least we had the weapon of all weapons and Caleb's team of ninja.A monster swooped down and landed on the ship.Oh great.Crystal fired a laser from the machine and blasted the monster into millions of flaming blue pieces.Gross."Any idea of how to stop the monsters from destroying the city?",I asked."Or at least destroying it more than usually." "We could find something to close the portal",Leon said from behind me.Oh my good God almighty.He scared me.Why did he have to be so quiet?"Shira do you know any spells that could close the portal?",I asked."Yes",She answered."I just need to get close to it." "Zygon and Raiden will protect you while you fly toward the portal",Caleb said.The three of them left and flew toward the portal."While they are preoccupied let us go and find Kelso",Garmadon said."Again." Nya flew us in the direction we saw Kelso fly off to.
3rd person view
Kelso landed his jet and stepped out of the cockpit.He smiled as he put away the summoning scroll he had.He grabbed his sword and walked into another one of his bases.He pulled out his phone and called the master of destruction."Jayson are you there?",He asked."Of course I am",Jayson answered on the other line."I finally escaped the prison I was sent to because of you." "You can thank me later.Right now I need you to come help me."There was a pause before Jayson spoke again."Sorry I was interrupted.I'll come help you."Kelso smiled and ended the call.
1st person view
So finding Kelso was hard when you have to destroy monsters that attack cities.Oh well.Rose fired a bolt of red electricity from her hand and destroyed a monster."How you doin' beautiful?",I asked."I'm fine",She replied.Chase walked over to us."I think I know where Kelso went",He said as his robot materialized next to him."WHAT IS YOUR OBJECTIVE?",the robot asked."Find Kelso Chapman,twin of glass." The robot flew and we followed it.Caleb ordered his ninja to defend the city while we were gone.We flew toward a base somewhere close to Chen's island and landed near it.Crystal turned the weapon of all weapons back into a sword and we jumped off of the ship."Where is he?",Cole asked.Shade pointed."He is over there",He said."There is someone with him." I looked to where he was pointing and saw Kelso with....was that Mod?They turned to look at us and Mod held a red energy ball in his hand.He fired at us and we jumped out of the way just as the ship exploded.I created a shield around us and blocked the glass from the ship.Mod fired another energy ball at us and I took the weapon of all weapons from Crystal.How could this get any worse?I probably shouldn't have said that.

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