Chapter 1 - POTBI

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A week after Viktor forced the divorce on his husband, Yuri, the Japanese man disappeared. He simply vanished off the face of the Earth. A missing person report had been filed by his parents, but it quickly turned cold, after the young man's worried older sister went into his room and found a suicide note on his desk. The moment the media caught wind of what had happened, famous figure-skater, Viktor Nikiforov, had been pounded relentlessly by the hatred of the entire planet. They claimed that it was his fault, his forceful breakup, that had driven his ex-husband to suicide. And the guilt was more than overwhelming. It was deafening, blindingly bright, like constant cameras flashing in his eyes.

The one thing that truly broke everyone was the fact that they never found his body. They had scoured every river and crevice of Hasetsu, searching, hoping, wishing, for any sign of their child. They wanted to know what happened to him, even if they knew it would probably only cause more pain.

Six months after the tragedy, a new face showed up in the figure-skating circle. His name was Kurai Akahoshi. A 26-year-old Japanese man with a rather intimidating appearance, and a striking resemblance to Yuri Katsuki.

Viktor watches in complete and utter shock as a black-haired young man rises from his spot in the row of chairs currently occupied by this year's competitors. His skin is pale, covering his slim, yet well-built figure. His black hair is cut in an undercut, with the ear-length mop swept over to the right. At least ten black and silver piercings coat each of his ears, as well as one at the end of his perfect left eyebrow. A blank, serious expression graces his face as he pulls the number five from the bag. The crowd claps, but he seems to ignore them, moving back over to his chair and slumping heavily into his seat, crossing his legs with a bored expression. It's then that Viktor gets to see his eyes. They're a blood red colour, the right iris adorned with a few specks of dark brown. They're terrifying, but Viktor finds them mesmerising at the same time.

"He's rather handsome," Chris whispers, leaning toward his friend a little.

"Hmm..." Viktor replies quietly. "'Kurai Akahoshi'... I wonder what he's like..."

"I wonder what he's going to be wearing for his short program..." Chris agrees breathlessly. "He holds himself with a rather... seductive confidence. And his eyes are amazing."

"His full name means, roughly, 'Dark Red River'," a voice comes from behind them.

They both turn to see Yuri Katsuki's sister sitting in the seat behind Chris.

"I looked him up, but there are no records of him before a few weeks ago, when he got caught up in a violent street fight in Kabukicho," she tells them. "He's lucky they're even allowing him to perform, he stabbed two people with a metal chair leg."

"W-What?" Chris chokes, while Viktor remains in a shocked silence.

"I even found some rumours and theories that he's actually Yuri... just possessed by some kind of evil spirit."

She scoffs at her own words and earns light chuckles from the two men. Little do they know, that could very well be what has happened...

**** **** ****

Yuri Plisetsky has just finished his short program, and now the new, mysterious young man that is Kurai Akahoshi is up.

"Last but not least, Kurai Akahoshi, could you please make your way onto the ice."

Kurai draws in a deep breath, before quickly pulling off his dark gray and red jacket and tossing it into his coach's hands. Lindsey gives him a small nod and hands him the Steampunk goggles. His whole outfit is a stunning, lightweight, subtle version of one of the traditional Steampunk tailcoat outfits. It consists of a plain white dress shirt, a tan coloured tie and a dark brown, scuffed and torn tailcoat, along with dark grey trousers and brown leather, fingerless gloves. Along the both arms of the tail coat are three golden buckles, and fixed on his hairline are a pair of gold and wooden goggles, keeping his hair out of his eyes at the same time as completing the outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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