Lower Than Vermin

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Each lie that twists or dulls an empathy,
each joke untying cultural respect,
each jingling bribe to line betrayal's way,
each mocking smile to justify neglect

should find Dantean circles welcoming,
except there is no hell but that they make,
no divine justice - oh, but call it sin.
Be certain, Tory's one name of the snake.

The Right have always been the wrong, but now
bare with their polished claws they dance their schools
consensus shed, that used to smooth their brows -
that war was long ago: this one now, fools,

the civil war they wreak upon the weak
and poor. Rise in your wrath their Hyde to seek.


Title: From a speech by Nye Bevan in 1948.

Mr. Bevan recalled what he described as the bitter experiences of his early life. For a time he had to live on the earnings of an elder sister and was told to emigrate.

'That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party that inflicted those bitter experiences on me. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin. They condemned millions of first-class people to semi-starvation.'


That was then . Now the Tories are systematically cutting essential benefits, no longer even in the name of austerity, since their policies continue to plunge the country into debt, and cutting people off from benefits at the drop of a hat and 'assessing' people with multiple disabilities and terminal illnesses as fit for work - which bunch of  benefit sanctions and deprivations costs the taxpayer more, much more.  The only reason they are doing this, then, is malice, spite and class war.

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