Act 4 Cant Live without her

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Juliet's Dad POV (One week later)

I was stilling liking Paris, but Juliet knows she doesn't want to go back to him ever again.I think now it's been five years they have been dating Juliet and Romeo I think I should finally say yes.

Romeo POV

I have been thinking you know what I'm going to marry her anyway. Cause why does Juliet's dad has to be so rude hope he knows I'm human too. I know I can't live without her. Love me or hate me we will be boys. I can't live without her for sure I thought to myself. I decided to go driving and found myself asking again for her hand in marriage


R-Romeo JD-Juliet's Dad

R-Mr. Capulet good day

JD-Good afternoon Romeo what brings you here

R- I was wondering if I could.

JD- Let me stop you there before you speak.

JD- Yes, you may Juliet's hand in marriage.

R-Are you sure?

JD-Yes, I was wrong because you and Juliet are a perfect match. I realized that Paris her ex-boyfriend was stupid and had no common sense.

R-Ah, okay then might I ask you where I should do it?

JD- Come in I will show you.

R- Okay so I should do it there at the restaurant.

JD-Yes that would be perfect beside it is her favorite restaurant.

R-Okay thank you for this.

Romeo POV

I walked out and was as happy as I could ever be because I get to marry the girl of my life. I decide to get the ring very quickly so that I could do in the coming day.

~Time Skip~(At the store)

I picked out this beautifully silver ring that was just perfect I arranged the date for the next night, and I went home and said to myself today was one of the best days of my life.

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