Getting to re-know tetsu part 2

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(Author's notes)



"Tetsuya's sadistic side speaking"

'Tetsuya's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"
"thinking in foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//
time skips / scene changes

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Kuroko no basket nor do I own the characters

Last time
After laughing it off tetsuya said "looks like friday is going to be a good day" while smiling sadistically along with the rest of his team before they all went to their rooms to sleep.

Next day

Start with seirin

Have the principle come into the basketball club say "excuse me but may i have your attention for the moment"  then have all of the team gather around the teacher and then the head says " i have been given an opportunity for you all and would like to ask if you would accept it" to which everyone will wonder exactly what it is so riko will ask " what is this opportunity that you are on about ma'am" the principle will then smile and say " you have been givin the opportunity to all spend a day at Akuma high this coming friday and i need to send a reply tomorrow so that is why i asked ou now". Everyone will look surprised but will agree to it because not only will they get to know what there enemy tactics and have a go at what training they do but also get to apologise to kuroko so they all nodded their heads and say "yes we would like to go"then the principle says " oh and they do not have uniforms so dress in your casual clothes and you will be picked up from here at 8 am on friday" and they all went back to their pratcise while the head teacher goes to her office to finalise the letter to send to akuma high.


The head walks in and says " on friday you will all be spending the day at Akuma high no ifs ands or buts about it and you should know that they do not where uniforns there so dress normally and we have been told to tell you to bring your training clothes good day and have fun you will be picked up from here at 8:00am on friday morning" then he walks out leaving a stunned basketball team and an ecstatic kise in the gym thinking about how they get to see the oposition and how they act normally on their home turf and what they act like in classes.


Again head walks in " all of you will be spending a day at one of the rival schools this coming friday no complaining it will be a good chance to see their strengths asnd weaknesses" momoi asks " which school is it sir" the head replys with Akuma high which aomine starts grinning like a mad man and says bring it on before actually going to practise. Then the principle says " oh and no uniform you will wear normal clothes like the rest of the students at the school and you will be picked up from here at 8:00 am on friday morning good day" before leaving the basketball club with surprised faces.


The head teacher walked in and told the basketball players that they will be spending Friday at akuma high where they will experience and learn the tactics of their opponents they were also told to wear casual clothing and bring their training clothes as well as a change of clothes before telling them that they will be picked up from the front gate at 8 am before leaving them to practice shintarou immediately thinking 'kuroko'

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