Meet My Brother's Friends

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The end of my day couldn't be more different than the start. At first, I was trying to survive a new school. By the end, I had somehow found myself in an abandoned music room in front of my adoptive older brother and his group of friends. Let me explain.

 I had gotten lost (again) trying to find one of the libraries. I ended up at the top of a very large staircase, staring at a set of huge double doors. I tentatively wrapped my hand around one of the handles and pulled.

I was greeted with a bright light blinding me, rose petals flying at my face, and a chorus of voices.


I regained my sight and immediately regretted my decision. In front of me stood a group of 6 boys and 1 more sitting in a chair in the middle.

"I'm not dead, am I?" I accidentally thought allowed. Two boys who looked like carbon copies of each other started laughing. Maybe twins? I saw them disappear then reappear right behind me. Their arms snaked around each of my shoulders and prevented me from getting free. I looked at their faces and saw mischevious smiles and half closed eyes staring back at me. I dropped my head, my face burning up.

"What have I walked into?" I whispered. The blond sitting in the middle spoke up.

"You shady twins! Let go of our new guest," They let me go and strolled back to the other boys, "Now, princess, how may we assist you?" The blond said, finally taking a good look at me. I took the chance to do the same.

"Tamaki?" I questioned.

"Murasaki?" He replied. I shot him a giant, closed-eyed smile.

"Boss?" one of the twins said, "How do you know her?" The other finished.

"Sorry, everyone," Tamaki stood up and walked over to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. This time, I was ok with it, "This is Murasaki Ao. My little sister."

"SISTER?!" Everyone shouted, shocked. Well, everyone besides a towering, stoic, dark-haired boy in the back and a raven-haired, slightly shorter boy wearing glasses.

"Adoptive sister," I explained. It made sense. Tamaki had blonde hair, violet eyes, and clear skin. I had short, brown hair, purple and blue eyes, and a scar over one eye. We were practically polar opposites. The differences don't stop there. Tamaki was confident, dorky, adorable, loved, adored, popular, and incredibly suave. I was nerdy, unpopular, sarcastic, shy at times, odd, awkward, and not feminine in the slightest. 

"But, Tama-chan," a little blond boy about 4 feet tall and clutching a bunny spoke up, "If she's your adoptive sister, why doesn't she wear the uniform?"

I looked down at my light blue hoodie, gray jeans, and white converse. Sure, it wasn't the normal uniform, but I didn't have the money to afford that yellow monstrosity. Nor did I want to wear one. So the school board gave me permission to be out of uniform while I attended Ouran Academy as long at I was dressed appropriately. 

"I don't have the money for it," I responded.

"That doesn't make any sense," One of the twins said.

"If you two are 'siblings', then should you have the money to buy a uniform?" The other finished.

I gave and awkward smile and laugh and put my hand behind my head. I dropped my hand and looked at Tamaki, giving him a "Help-how-do-I-explain-this" look. 

"It's kinda complicated," Tamaki started, "We call each other brother and sister. But she doesn't live with us,"

"Yeah," I continued, "It's kind of like we're so close, we're like siblings. But I live alone,"

"Then how did you get into this school, Saki-chan?" The little blonde asked. He's quite cute. But why is he at a high school?

"Scholarship," The boy in glasses chimed off. How the hell did he know that?

"Might I ask how you know that? I doubt Tamaki told you," I glared at the boy.

"I know information on any and every student in this school and their family connections. For example, you are Murasaki Ao, a 2nd year with Tamaki and I. Your father's from France but moved to America to marry your mother. They started a very successful business in America called Ao Designs. The company sells fabrics, prints, clothing, and design plans all over the world. Correct me if I'm wrong but they initially sent you to a public school here in Japan where you won a full-ride scholarship here. That's when your parents set you up with your own apartment and still give you a generous allowance so that you can continue to live nearby."

Damn. He got my life story correct, right down to every last syllable. Part of me was incredibly impressed that he knew so much. Another part thought he was some creepy stalker because he knew so much.

"You're family's in the design industry?" One twin questioned, "So are we. Our mother runs the Hitachiin Fashion company," Hitachiin Fashion? Why does that sound so familiar? Oh yeah! They are one of our best business partners. Mom and Dad will be proud I met the Hitachiin Twins.

I smiled at the twins, "That must mean you two are Hikaru and Kaoru, correct?" A shocked expression spread across their face, "My parents have had many business meetings with your family. You're one of our best partners. I'm glad I finally got to meet you two!" 

"Murasaki-Senpai? Do you help your parents with their business?" A small brown haired boy(?) asked. I blushed.

"Y-yeah. Sometimes. They'll use my designs and a few of them have been featured before."

"Wow! Can we see?" The twins chimed together.

"I don't see why. They're not very good." I respond.

"Nonsense! Of course, they're good! Why else would they be featured?" Tamaki said, doing a silly grand gesture. He knew those made me laugh. And I did.

"Alright, alright. I remembered to bring my sketchbook with me so, why not?" I slung my bag over my shoulders and pulled out my drawing pad. I flipped to a random page and passed it over to the boys. 

"Wow, Saki-Chan! Your designs are so pretty!" The small blonde said.

"These are really impressive!" One of the twins, Kaoru I think, looked over his shoulder at the boy in glasses, "Hey, Kyoya-senpai, we should use these at our next meeting. They fit right in!" Strange, I didn't see how Colonial Era garb would go with a meeting.

Kyoya, as I know knew him, peeked over his black notebook and glanced at my designs. I saw a flash of approval in his eyes.

"Murasaki, would you be ok with us using these at our next meeting?" he said, staring directly at me with a warm, albeit fake looking, smile. I considered it for a moment.

"Sure. Why not?" The twins and the small blonde cheered for some reason and the twins carried my book to a separate room. How could I refuse? I would finally get to see one of my more costume-like designs come to life. 

A small beep chimed from my pocket. I slipped out my phone. The time read 4:30. I've been here for an hour and a half?! Luckily, the twins were already back. I grabbed my sketchbook and my bag, slung it over my shoulders, and turned to run out the door.

"Sorry guys! I have to go! I'll come by at that meeting to see my designs!" I said running out. They all said goodbye and I ran through the door. This was exciting! I'll have to come back and see them more often.

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