The Revolutionary Host Club

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"Sorry guys! I have to go! I'll come by at that meeting to see my designs!" I said running out. They all said goodbye and I ran through the door. This was exciting! I'll have to come back and see them more often.

And I did. I had to ask one of the girls in my class when they met. It was hard to get a straight answer out of her, though. As soon as I mention Tamaki and his friends, she started blushing and fangirling. I can't say I blame her, though. I fangirl over fictional characters. After I calmed her down, she told me the Host Club, as is their "official" title met after school on Thursdays. Which meant I'd have to wait a few days.

But once those few days finally past, my last class couldn't end soon enough. I have to admit, I was acting like many of the frivolous girls in my classes but for an entirely different reason. They wanted to be fawned over by the boys. I wanted to see my designs. As soon as the final bell rang, I threw my textbook into my bag, threw it over my shoulders, and ran from the room. My fantasy designs never got made or featured. They were just for fun.

I finally made it to the abandoned music room, out of breath and the first girl there. I looked up at the boys and saw them decked out in my designs. MY designs! I couldn't believe it.

"Saki-chan! How do you like them?" The little blonde said cheerfully, spinning around in his Colonial style coat that rose just barely above the ground.

"I-I can't believe it! They look amazing! How did you do it?" I said, star-struck and looking at the brains of this whole operation. But it was the twins who spoke up.

"We had our mother's workers make them. They've made our costumes before so they knew our heights and builds," Wait, This has happened before? I didn't think about that fact for very long. I was too busy looking at everyone. The designs that I had poured my passions into had come to life, like a dream come true.

"We have one for you too, Murasaki!" Tamaki said, leading me over to a small changing room. I quickly got changed into my Early American dress and shoes and walked out. It had every authentic piece to it, corset and all. Personally, I couldn't breathe, but I didn't care. I truly felt like Martha Washington or even one of the Schuyler Sisters.

"Someone call the Hamiltons. I think we stole Eliza," The brunette boy said. I gave a wide smile and strolled over to everyone else and we waited for the guests to arrive.

The shocked faces they gave were proof they weren't expecting our Revolutionary garb. Nonetheless, they seemed to enjoy it. The boys took their places in the room and the girls followed suite, swooning over them. Tamaki was dressed as Alexander Hamilton, Kyoya was dressed as Aaron Burr, Honey, as John Laurens, Mori, as George Washington, Hikaru, as Lafayette, Kaoru, as Hercules Mulligan, and Haruhi, as Philip Hamilton.

I hadn't even planned for them to be in these particular characters but each of their personalities worked. Tamaki and Alexander are both huge flirts, eccentric, and came from poorer backgrounds. Kyoya and Aaron Burr are logical, straight thinking, and very hardworking. Honey and John Laurens are both very sweet but can deal a lot of damage if you provoke them. Mori and George Washington are quiet thinkers. Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan were mischievous during their time in the Revolution, just like the twins. But Haruhi and Philip Hamilton are harder to see. I assume it's only because Philip was Alexander's son and Tamaki forced him in the outfit.

I breathed heavily.

"Something wrong, Murasaki?" I turned around to see the black haired "Aaron Burr" scribbling away in his notebook.

"It's nothing. I can't breathe in this corset." It was true. I had to squeeze into this corset and my gut didn't help anything, "But I have to bear through it for today."

"Murasaki?" I turned to see Philip, or Haruhi, standing a few feet away from his guests. I give a curtsy to Kyoya (making him smirk) and stroll over.

"Yes, Haruhi?"

"Could you help me? Tamaki loaded some work on me but I need to entertain my guests. He's kinda clueless sometimes, isn't he?" Haruhi always had that boyish but studious charm about him. Well, he was the natural type. He probably doesn't realize he's charming.

"Of course." He hands me a tea set and points to where he needs it to go. Fortunately, it's at Honey and Mori's table. I walk over, making sure not to trip over my heels or gown, and set the tea on the table.

"Saki-chan!" Honey had gotten up from his seat and grabbed my hand, "Come have a piece of cake with me!"

"Sure, Honey-senpai," He dragged me over to the couch where he and Mori were sitting. We sat down and he handed me a piece of strawberry cheesecake with a full strawberry on top. As I took a bite, I couldn't help but notice the girls visiting the duo were staring at me with malice in their eyes. I closed my eyes and continued listening to Honey acting in his adorable manner.

When the time came for us to excuse our guests, I was ready to take off my corset and burn every single corset in the world so no one will ever have to wear one again. I could have very easily left with the rest of the guests, but my kind-hearted nature wouldn't allow me. Instead, I stayed with the Host Club to clean and get everything back in order. It was tiring but satisfying to see all the work we had done. I glanced at my phone. 5:47. Shoot! I raced off to the changing room, changed back into my regular clothes, and grabbed my backpack. I waved to boys goodbye and ran out the door, not stopping until I got to my doorstep. I was supposed to start dinner at 5pm, but the Host Club got me distracted. I grabbed some pasta out of the cupboard and set the water to boil. After dinner, I changed into some PJs, and fell asleep before I even looked at my homework. It could wait until tomorrow.

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