Avoiding the Host Club

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Today was another crazy day. At the beginning, it looked like a normal day. But by the end, the whole school knew about My and Tamaki's relationship. I don't know if some of them really appreciated me being so close to their precious Host King. Some of them wanted to befriend me to get closer to the club. Honestly, the girls at Ouran are horrible at whispering. 

I plopped down on my couch at home and let out a long sigh. If you haven't guessed by now, I'm socially awkward with a touch of social anxiety. The cherry on top? I have a fear of crowds. Today was almost like a new form of hell. Every class, I had a group of 7-8 girls and guys surrounding me around my desk. I was relieved when the teacher would walk in. After the bell rang, I wouldn't even put my book and binder in the backpack. I would scoop them into my arms and run out of the class before anyone could ask any questions. 


I labored knock on my door jolted me out of my rest. Cautiously I tiptoed to the door and peeked through the peephole.

It was Haruhi.

I looked past the fact that I've never told any of them where I live and let him inside.

"Thanks, Murasaki," He huffed. He seemed out of breath so I let him inside, closing the door behind us, and led him to the couch. I offered him a glass of water and he took it graciously and finished it in one gulp.

"Is everything ok, Haruhi?" I questioned, sitting down on the couch next to him.

"Yeah, the Host Club found out where I live and now they won't leave," He recounted. 

"Uh oh. I hope they won't find you here. I don't know what I'd do if they found my place," We laughed and I finally looked at him without tending to his needs. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, brown sneakers, and... a pink dress?

"Umm... Haruhi? I don't mean to be rude in any way, but, why are you wearing a dress?" I questioned, making sure to speak carefully. It didn't take long for him, or shall I say "her", to explain it. As it turns out, Haruhi is biologically a girl. She has to cosplay as a boy at school because she accidentally broke one of the Host Club's expensive vases. She's repaying her debt as a host, but all hosts must be men. By the end of her story, I couldn't help laughing a little.

"I'm sorry, Haruhi. That really seems like something they would do," I giggled. 


"Hm? Who could that be?" I asked. It took me all of two seconds to realize who.

The Host Club.

Tamaki was probably worried sick about Haruhi and came to me looking for her. But how did they find my house?

"Haruhi, Go to my bedroom. It's the second door on the right down that hallway," I pointed to a hallway to my right, "Close the door after you get in. I'll try to get them to leave," she nodded and quietly sped down the hall. Once I heard the door click shut, I answered the door.

"I'm coming!" I walked over and opened the door. Poor Tamaki almost fell into the front room. He must have been leaning on the door.

"Saki! Where's Haruhi?! Have you seen her?! Haruhi!!!" Tamaki didn't let me get a word out. Luckily Mori was there to lend a helping hand. Literally. He put his hand over Tamaki's mouth to keep him quiet. Tamaki just pushed Mori's hand off.

"Mori-Senpai! What if she's being held captive?! We need to save her!" 

"Why would Haruhi be held hostage in Murasaki's apartment?" Kyoya said. At least that was able to quiet Tamaki down.

"He's right, Tamaki. I haven't seen Haruhi since I came home. Maybe he went to the supermarket to grab something for dinner," I've always tried my best to calm Tamaki down, even if it is only a little. 

"You've got a nice place here, Saki," the twins announced as they strolled in.

"Hey! Get out! I didn't invite you guys in. Sorry but I have a lot of chores to get done and I need you guys to leave," I said pushing them back out the door.

"Do you need some help, Saki-Chan?" Honey asked. It's hard to say no to the little guy but I had to. 

"Sorry, Honey-Senpai. I have to get this done," I said.

"Seems strange," Hikaru said, "That you would want to do more work even though we offered," Karou finished, "Are you hiding something from us?" They questioned in sync.

"They're mainly one-person jobs. I'll be done within an hour or two," I said. Man, they're relentless.


"She's fine," Kyoya interjected," We should leave. If I'm correct, Tamaki, we still aren't ready for the next meeting," I gave him a thankful glance and he returned it with a smirk.

"But... oh alright," Tamaki turned to me, "If Haruhi comes by, let us know, ok?"

"I will, you don't need to worry, Tamaki. I'll see you guys at school!" I closed the door, leaving Honey, Mori, Kyoya, a disheveled Tamaki, and skeptical Twins outside. I waved at them from the window and watched them leave. Once they were out of sight, I walked to my bedroom to get Haruhi.

"Hey, Haruhi. They're gone. You can come out," I noticed she was holding something. I walked over to her to see the framed photograph of my parents in her hands.

"Are these your parents, Saki?" She asked.

"Yeah. That's my mom," I pointed to the short, brown haired woman in the photo. She was smiling, "And that's my dad," I pointed over to the tall, gray-haired man next to her, also smiling, "I...miss them a lot." 

"I know what you mean. I lost my mom at a young age. But I prefer to think of happier memories instead of crying," That made me smile. I couldn't tell you how many times I had panic attacks due to the absence of my parents.

"Thank you, Haruhi,"

"It's no big deal. Now," she set down the frame in its original place, "are you sure you don't need help on your chores? I don't feel like going home yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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