Chapter 3 : I can see through it(14/1/14)Entry

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Hi Steve!

    I met him again today. I was at starbucks and I bought my usual mocha frappacino. The whole place was full and I sat in the booth alone. All the tables and chairs were occupied by either people or designer bags.

    I just came back from the mall. Bought a few clothes, shoes and stuff. I needed some because I left most of them in my parent's house.

    Then the door opened, but I didn't think much of it. Someone tapped me on the shoulder a few minutes later. I turned around. "Hi! It's you again! Can I sit here? All the tables are occupied," a familiar voice asked kindly. Jordan.

    "Sure! Go ahead," I replied with another false smile. We sat there together quietly. "You know, I didn't really catch your name," he started. I nodded. "I never did tell you. You were in a rush. I'm Raelein. Call me Rae, though," I replied. I wasn't in a mood to talk, so ai flashed a smile.

    We sat in silence for a while. "You know, I can see through your smile. Wanna talk about it?" He asked with a small, sad smile. I was shocked by this statement, but shook my head, sighing.

    "I just met you, Jordan. I can't just spread by life story with a stranger," I replied. Maybe if I knew him, but I don't.

    "Come on. It can't be that bad," he replied. He had a dimpled smile, but his eyes still showed the depression deep inside. He was trying to conceal it. Trying to deny it from himself.

    "I can see through yours. Your eyes don't crinkle. How about you talk about it first?" I replied monotone, looking at the steam from my coffee. He gave me a funny look.

    "Your bracelets too," I continued. He just sat there quietly. His gaze lowered. I stood up and was about to leave when he grabbed my hand. He asked for my number so that we can keep in contact. I don't have much to say now, so bye Steve! I didn't cut today.


Hi Steve (Venturiantale Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora