Chapter 6 : Progress (24/1/14) Entry

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Hi, Steve.

    I made quite the progress. I didn't harm myself in over a week. Since I met him, he made me happy. He doesn't know about my powers yet.

    I planned my move and found out that Dan is visiting Ohio in about a week. When he does, I will woo him and hopefully it will work. If he develops feeling for me, then the plan will work. Then I'm going to drop him. Make him feel empty like I felt. Stab him in the heart and not go to jail. Karma.

    I'm telling Jordan about my abilities tomorrow. Jordan and I meet up all the time now. He trusts me, I trust him. We've helped each other stop. How? We imagine how we would feel if the other cuts. We feel the same, that we are all worth something.

    I do believe he thinks of me as just a friend, which always puts me in a bad mood. I may have met him a month ago, but I think I love him and we aren't even dating.

    We know each other really well. Valentine's day is coming up and if Jordan gets a girlfriend first, I would be heartbroken. The third day Dan is here will be Valentine's day. This is going to be great.

    Well, I'm going to hit the hay. I have to meet Jordan at 10 tomorrow. Bye!


A / N : Hai guys! Do you want me to write the detailed days here or make a new book as a real POV book with all the conversations and stuff in detail? please comment!

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