Chapter 1

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Billie Joe's P.O.V

I grab my books, stuff them in my rucksack and bolt tip toe down the stairs as quiet as possible. As I get to the landing of the stairs, the alcohol, that he drinks, burns my nose, making me shrivel my face up a little. His drunken body lay on the couch, unconscious. Thank god. I tip toed out the front door, closing it quietly. I made it out, unharmed...for now.

I walk down the street, in the cold September breeze. It gave me goosebumps to think that my dad has been dead nearly 5 years. I try and shake the thought off but it was still there, residing in the dark, dark corner of my demented mind.

I sit, under a tree, like I always did, and waited for Mike, my best friend. He always made me smile, no matter what month it was. He was the reason I was still alive. My mind drifted to the memories me and Mike had together. In the 5 years I knew him, we had become so close and so many great memories we shared. It brought tears to my eyes and a smile crept onto my face.

After a few moments of admiring my best friend, I saw his straight, chestnut brown hair, in the distance. He's lanky, long legs, moving in a rapid fashion, in my direction and his rucksack bouncing up and down with every long, pouncing step he made. I chuckled to myself as he made his way, running, towards me.

As he reached me, he tripped and fell on top of me. His bony elbow, dug into my already bruised chest as I caught him. He giggled at his own clumsiness, while I winced in pain. He, thankfully, didn't notice. I faked a laugh. "You okay, Mikey?" I asked him, smiling. He nods and helps me up off the ground.

The big, yellow, box of death rolled up and we boarded. The driver gave us a smile and we sat near the front, away from all the popular kids and bullies.

I remembered that we had a field trip today. We weren't told what the trip was for or where we were going but I knew it was for music. A smile grew on my face and Mike looked over at me, confused. "What're you thinkin' of?" He asked. "We have a trip's about music..." I said. A smile appeared on his face as well but then disappeared. "Fuck! I didn't pack lunch!" He cursed. "Neither did I..." I said.

A mischievous smile then appeared on his face. "We'll steal some from the cafeteria at the place." My smile turned mischievous too and we fist bumped each other.

As the yellow death box pulled up to the school, Mike and I got out but as I was getting out, someone pushed me and I fell on my leg, awkwardly. I heard a snap and cried out in pain. Mike crouched down next to me and helped me stand up. I tried to apply pressure but end up hearing weird noises. I freaked out and started having a mini panic attack. Mike had to calm me down by cooing soothing words into my ear. Let's just say, I was embarrassed but thankful to have a friend like Mike.

He took me to the nurse. She looked at my ankle and moved it around. She heard the weird noises and noticed my pain. "You've broken your ankle, sweetie." She said softly. She got her phone and called an ambulance. I sighed heavily and looked at Mike. "Can we still go on the trip?" I asked, innocently. He smiled. "Of course we can! We paid good money for it and plus, we'll be up there some day! We need this trip!" He said excitedly.

The nurse looked over at us when she was finished on the phone. "I'll drive you to your trip after you get checked up." She said, smiling, "you don't need to worry about missing it. You boys deserve it." Mike put a thumb up to her. I laughed at his goofiness. Mike ruffled my hair and stuck his tongue out at me. I done the same to him.

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