The Plan

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"Alright so, you understand the plan correct?"

"Yes Jay. Youve told me this plan like a million times!"

"Calm down, just makin' sure." pause, "Alright go!"


A figure slowly sneaked into a semi-open door and Smirked.

"Waters been placed, plan is a go!" was said into a walkie talkie.



"Kai! Come help me for a second!"

"Im comin'..." mutteres a groggy voice.

Kai pushed open the door, rubbing his eyes with his other hand, "So wha--"


silence was heard as the males eyes widened..

"MY HAIR!" Kai cried out and rounded on the femmian figure, "(Y/n)! Why would you do this! I thought you loved me!"

She giggled, "I do. Now if you dont mind im just gunna grab Jay and go hide untill you cool off!"

"(Y/N)!! JAY! Get back here!"

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If anyone is still reading this- Hello!

My name is Kayla. Im minorly depressed and have major social anxiety.

Please be patient with me, as I can be very irrational.

But I love all my readers.

I love Transformers, TMNT, And though I do not watch it much anymore, do like Ninjago.

Much Love,
Your crazy fucking author Kayla

Also if you like Transformers, check out my secondary account Transformers_Trash

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Also if you like Transformers, check out my secondary account Transformers_Trash

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