Imithra the Beautiful

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HorrorZilla was under her wing he felt save. HorrorZilla went under her wing that she wouldnt wake up. HorrorZilla watched at her. He couldnt be take hes eyes off of her. HorrorZilla felt something that made him happy. Like he would have been happy hes whole life. He went outside. He watched at the sky. Imithra woke up and went next to him.

"you know HorrorZilla your not so bad as peopple say you are" Imithra said

"yeah... maybe its because humanity tortured me" HorrorZilla said

"Horror i know that this sounds wierd" Imithra said

"you know Imithra i have do say something" HorrorZilla said

"I love you" they Both said and blusshed.

"you do?" Imithra asked

"yes you made me feel something i  have never felt before you made me happy" HorrorZilla answered

Imithra watched at HorrorZilla's eyes "me too" Imithra said and hugged him.

(meanwhile in space)

Ghidorah is seen attached to a dna sucking grystal. The grystal slowly morphs into a space dragon. with a Spacegodzilla like grown on hes both two heads. hes skin was dark blue. hes eyes blood red. He started making hes way to earth.

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