Untitled Part 2

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I'm about to cast aside this (these) meaning(s)

That eat even (my)the thoughts

My answer...

Making circle, blowing people

I still can't even see a future!

These words... I still can't spell them!

I still can't understand the fact of my crying while screaming

One day we will halt on the separation crossroad, this is a blame, a dream

I'm not living

In denial of everything, I killed my own self

In reality, I'm myself

There's just the idea of death which's turning in my brain

I hate the noise inside my ears. Disagreeable... No!

Will I have a "new birthday"?

Kill (me) like this

I hate suffering in my dreams. Disagreeable... No!

Who causes the repeat of rejection, NEGATOR

Follow the right (opposition of left)

Who negates the row, NEGATOR

Who closes what should be opened, NEGATOR

I'm harshly covered with the sins of the past

If I just can leave it to the world...

I want to keep killing...

Where) Scissors were plucking me

Time does not stop even though I act like I'm dead

If I'm really [living]

The attacking arrows are like centipedes frightening me

I'll communicate it!

For you, I dedicate my body; I'll sacrifice myself for your sake...

He survived it? Or he got resuscitated?

Cuz' soon, he will be set as a great king

Or he just got an immortal body?

The childhood of the prince had passed behind bars, the steel characterized child

His life had started in a revolutionary world

In an event so cruel, everyone is joying

(Where) Nobody cares about the beheaded sacrifices...

When) I was put in the trolley, my own self transformed

When I'm sad, I laugh

Yes, from our memories we*

Please, let the bases of this person always oriented to this flower

Song 2 

In order to vomit your existence, I'm feeding

The Teddy bear isn't joking!

In the days where I understand what's good and bad

Traitor joking in the past, the question is... To Feed

Hidden on a wall, I was wailing like a child

I grumble on the time we're I couldn't see anything

Still holding a song, I'm under your shadow

I straighten up my claws, tearing up the sheep with an arpeggio

Pierced again by pain, my body tremble

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