Ice skating #13

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(Y/n) pov
I took a deep breath, heaving a box up the stairs, why did the kitchen have to be on the second floor. I got up to the top, wheezing, who knew I was this unfit. Lol. We all knew. Jack was springing up the steps, obviously more fit than me.
"Fock, since when did u get so fit?" Did an Irish accent just show?.
"I don't know, maybe from the years of climbing the stairs at the old apartment block everyday, and was that some Irish?" He looked puzzled but intrigued.
"I don't focken know!" I smiled.
"IT IS! YOURE BECOMING ONE OF US!!!!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down.
"Wow, very mature!" I said, trying so hard to do my normal accent (lol sorry if you've already got an Irish accent).
"You can't keep that up for long!" He smiled devilishly.
"We'll see!" A tint of Irish came through at the end, making jack laugh.
"Focken idiot..." I muttered to myself
"What was that?" Jack asked cupping his ear with his hand.
"NOTHING!" I shouted, making jack stop, stunned, and the laughed again.

2 days later

Supprisingly enough we managed to get all the right boxes in the right rooms. I don't know why we had a house with three bedrooms as jack and I will be sharing one. (*winks*)
But, the whole kitchen is unpacked, we've set up the lounge, and jacks office, mine is getting set up in the next couple of days. I look over at jack, him unpacking all his collectables.
"Hey!" I shouted.
"Focken hell!" He shouted. Throwing his papyrus figure in the air.
"Do you want to go ice skating, I think there's a rink around here?" His eyes sparkled.
"FOCK YEAH! I'LL CALL A TAXI, WERE GOING NOW!" He literally dropped papyrus and grabbing his phone calling the taxi.

About 5 minutes later the taxi guy showed up, and guess who it was.
"SARAH?!?!?" How could she be working here!
"(Y/n)!!!!! Omggggggg." Jack sat in the back leaving us two in the front to gossip.

"Why are you working in athlone?!?" I asked, so happy.
"My boyfriend and I decided to move here, he said it was nicer, so I instantly applied for a job." Her eyes gleaming.
"Omg, we have to hang out all the time, we didn't really in Dublin, but I think we should here!!!!!" I practically squealed.

All the time we were talking and laughing we got to the skating rink, I thanked Sarah and left to go inside, jack looking weirded out by what happened with us girls in the car.
"What's up?" I asked him.
"Isn't it weird that Sarah just moved to Athlone? When we had too?" He questioned.
"Maybe it was just a coincidence?" I questioned too.
"Mmmm maybe, anyway lets go ice skating!" He changed the mood completely.

We sized up our feet and went on the rink, I've never been ice skating for obvious reasons, so this was scary, fun and I was not going to let it get ty best of me! I gripped onto Jacks hand, and the side of the rink.
"Geez you'd think we were Jack and Rose from titanic by the grip you have on my hand, loosen up." He grinned.
"Urgh!" A weird noise came out of my mouth as I pushed off the wall and started skating.
"Well fock me, you're a natural!" He gasped. Skating beside me around the edge of the rink.

I started getting a proper hang of it, jack and I doing well skating. I looked on the stands where people can watch, a person recording us with their phone, jack struck a facial pose and continued to skate, me still along side him.
"So this is what happens when you're famous, I almost forgot, people constantly noticing you." I smiled.
"Yeah, you just gotta go with the flow." He smiled.

About an hour later we returned the boots and went home. The burden of boxes everywhere overwhelming me.
"I forgot how shitty this place looks." I sighed.
"Hah, same!" Jack said, not sighing, but instead chuckled.
"What?" I asked.
"I don't know... what is wrong?" He looked around the room.
I gasped. On the couch was a puppy. A cute little doggo.
"AWWW MY GOSHHHHH." I got closer to it. "OMG, OMGGGGGG!!!!"
"I was going to wait until we finished the house, but no, I decided it would be better for you to have one now!"
I hardly even payed attention, all I did was cry and look at the cute husky puppy ball of fluff.
"What're you going to name him?" Jack asked.
"Oreo!" I sniffled, still crying.
"What? Why that." Jack laughed.
"Because if his colours, and-and, he's so cute, just like an Oreo..." a new wave of happy tears came.
"Okay..." he laughed even more.

I'm sick, and I hate it, and I really want a dog but my brothers allergic. :(
Sorry that this is so short. But I can't be bothered. Srsly. Anyway, thanks for over 700 reads!!! I can only thank you guys for all of this!

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