The visit (P3) #17

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(Y/n)'s POV

I can't believe I'm forgiving her so easily. I think to myself. I'm hugging her right now, tears dribbling down our faces.
"(Y/n), I'm so sorry for what I've done..." Mum says, wiping away a tear. "A-and I'm sorry for- are you pregnant?!?!?" She exclaims, her facial expression changing dramatically.
"Ummmm, no, why would you think that?" I say smiling sarcastically.
"I-I'm going to be a nana?" She says again.
"Well if you stay in my life, and be a good parent and grandparent, then I guess so..."
"I'm gonna be a grandma!!!" Ma shouts, my mum smiles at her.
"Hey, (y/n) can I talk to you for a second?" Sean asks, concern written all over his face.
"Y-yeah," I wipe my eyes, and finally get out of the hug my mother got me into.

Sean tugs my arm out down the small hallway into the laundry and sits me down the a stool that's in there.
"Are you sure about this?" He asks.
"About what?" I ask back.
"Your mum?!?!" He whisper shouts." You can't just forgive her after all that she did?!?!"
"Well I am, didn't you hear her saying that shit about my dad, she did this because misses my dead dad!" I whisper shout back.
"Yeah but... after everything, I didn't realise you'd forgive her like that." He says, sorrow in his voice.
"Yeah... but..." I sigh," I can't just take back me forgiving her so... that's that!

I get up from the stool and make my way back into the kitchen where Sean's mother and my mother are softly talking to each other Sean having followed close behind.
"Hey what'd you guys talk about?" My mum asks.
"Uhhh-" I say, looking to Sean for help.
"This whole thing with the baby and you maybe going back into (y/n)'s life."
"Oh..."Mum says sadly," how long are you going to be in town for?"
"3 more days." Sean says for me.
"Okay... how about I come back tomorrow with (y/n)'s brother and we'll talk then, okay?"
"That's-" Sean says, but I cut him short by tapping him on his shoulder.
"That's great, I can't wait to see him again, hopefully it'll be better than last time..."
"Y-yeah, siya, and bye Marian, thanks for the coffee!" Mum says before leaving, Sean glaring at her when she can't see.
"Well then..." Ma/Marian says.

~~~ time skip to the night ~~~

"Are you sure about tomorrow?" Sean still asks, obviously concerned.
"Yes! I've said it a million times, okay?!?" I say, frustration slightly showing. He's making me second guess myself.
"I'm just making sure..." he sighs.
"Well... eh" I splutter not knowing what to say.
"Look lets go to sleep and think about it okay?" He says, breaking up the silence.
"Okay." I sigh and clamber into bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Pregnancy and stress is tough.

~~~~time skip to tomorrow~~~~

I wait nervously on a bar stool at the table divider, to the kitchen where mum and ma were sitting yesterday, and nervously tap my fingers waiting for the knock at the door of my mother and brother.
Knock knock knock
"I'll get it!" Ma shouts running to the door, my anxiety levels race high. Sean walks from the hall and sits on the stool near me and squeezes my hand.

"Hey (y/n)!" My mum smiles, walking into the kitchen, a boy-probably my brother, trails behind her like a puppy. He is 10 now though... I think.
"Jacob why don't you say hi to your sister?" Mum says to my brother.
"Hi." He scowls, his expression changes when he sees my belly though.
"Hey... long time no see." I say awkwardly.
"Yeah... what's with the bump?" He says pointing at my belly. The tension between Sean, Jacob, mum and Ma shifts.
"Uhhh... I'm pregnant..." I say to him.
"Hold up, with him?" He points to Sean.
"Yes to me." Sean says grumpily.
"Oh, so I'm gonna be an uncle, and you're sorta gonna be my uncle?" He asks again.
"Yeah probably." I say, making sure Sean doesn't say anything rude, and just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, ma changes the topic.
"How about we talk about something different? The mood is very weird." She says, lightening the mood a little.
"Yeah..." I say.
"Hey why don't we all go for a picnic or something?" She says.
"I'm keen!" Sean says, the first good thing of today.
"Okay..." Jacob says, glancing at mum to see her reaction.
"Yep that's fine!" Mum says.
"Then it's settled!" Me and Ma say at the same time, resolving in awkward and funny giggles.

~~~ time skip after the picnic~~~

"That was really awkward!" I say and flop backwards onto the bed.
"You can say that again." Sean also flops onto the bed. "We need to do something tomorrow, just you, me and Ma."
"Yeah I guess, and vlog it for our fans?" I ask.
"Yeah, I forgot about that." He sighs.
"Good thing you have robin to upload the videos for you and I this week," I sigh happily.
"Hehe ye-" he suddenly stopped talking.
"Are you oka- you're asleep. Brilliant." I smirk, then gasp. I pull out my phone and take a picture of this man at the weak moment and put it on Instagram with the caption:
"Man passed out halfway through the conversation"
I silently laugh to myself and soon fall asleep.

I have writers block, I'm so sorry. It took me FOREVER to write this because of it. And I'm sorta running out of ideas, and just ugh!!!!!



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