Remember. - Silver.

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"Hey. It's been a while huh?"

Silver's voice rang through the telephone line, his words shaky and vulnerable. As much as he knew he shouldn't be crying, he couldn't help it.

"My god, how long had it been since I've last spoke to you? Few months maybe. I don't know. I've lost track of time. I don't pay attention to that anyways."

The sound of the rain knocking on his window was all that can be heard, as well of the soft wind that rustled the tree branches together. It was a dark night, a lonesome one as well. He was alone, and he wanted you company, even if you weren't physically there with him. Hearing you voice would've been enough, but he understood if you were too tired to speak.

"We're always busy. We never have time to hang out. I miss those times. Remember? Remember when we would spend it together? Everywhere we went, we always had fun. We always made sure to enjoy every last second before I had to drop you back home. Jeez.. your smile never failed to make me so happy. I miss seeing you. I miss you a lot. We should hang out sometime, yeah?"

There was a pause in his words, and his eyes water.

"We.. we should hang out.. we.. what am I even saying?"

His throat begins to close, and those tears he tried to hold back began to fall, his breathing coming out as staggered gasps of air.

"You're gone.. you're gone and it's all my fault.. you're dead and- and I keep calling your number to convince myself you're still here.. that this is all just a bad dream.. why? Why did you leave? Why did you leave me alone? I miss you.. I miss you so much.."

His voice echos through the line, and it wasn't long before the call gets cut off, and it then and there does he realize that Silver was holding onto a cut string.

You had died months ago, and he couldn't accept it. He couldn't. What good would that do? Instead of moving on, he tortures himself by holding onto whatever he can to remember you.. 

The sad thing is..

He's slowly forgetting your voice.

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