•.Beach. Bitch!?.•

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(Anyone getting the title reference???)

    Johnnie suggested you all go to the beach. You're standing around looking lost. Kyle and Jeydon are playing in the water. Alex and Shannon are siting in the sand talking. Jordan and Bryan are laughing and eating. Tyler is playing his guitar. And Johnnie is still at the car getting something but you don't know what.

    "Hey, Y/N!!" You hear Jeydon yell. "Come play with us!"

    "Okay. I'm coming, Jey Bird!!" You run into the water with him and Kyle.

    You look around and only see Kyle. You slowly turn around and look everywhere for him. Then out of nowhere, someone slips under your legs and puts you on their shoulders.

    "Ahhh!" You scream while you wobble and Kyle laughs. The person sticks their head out of the water.

    "Calm down! I'm gonna drop you." It was Jeydon.

    "Jeydon Wale! I'm going to kill you!" You scream as you kick your legs. He smirks and throws you off his shoulders and you land in the water. You swim underneath the water over to him and then dunk his head under the water.

    "You scared me so bad! That was payback!" You say, as he comes up.

    "Haha. I love scaring you. It's so funny." he says, hugging you.

    "Whatever." You hug him back.

    "Hey, guys!! Where Johnnie?!" Alex screams.

    You all look around and notice he's not here. In a panic, you all get up and start looking for him. You see footprints and start to follow them.

Johnnie's pov

    I snuck away from everyone while Y/N were on Jeydon's shoulders. I've been making this plan, a plan on how to tell him I love him. I get to a nice clear spot where the sand is soft and warm. I get on my hands and knees and start clearing a huge blank spot.

    Afterwards, I draw a heart in it and write "I love you." I've been making the heart for a while and after a bit I hear people yelling my name. I see Y/N walking towards me so I get up and I hide until I'm a good distance behind him. He walks up to the heart. He gasps and stares at it.

End pov

    You follow the footprints to a clear spot in the beach. You walk up to a cleared a spot and gasp at what you see. There's a huge heart with "I love you." in the middle of it. You just stare at it until you feel someone behind me. You turn around and there's Johnnie. He slowly lefts one of his arms out to you and in his hand is a single, black rose. You take it and kiss him. It was soft, full of passion and love. While you kiss, the rose is in the middle of your hands. You pull away and rest your forehead against his.

    "I love you too." You say, not wanting this moment to end.

    "I've loved you ever since I first met you in HotTopic but I've been to shy and scared to say anything. So, I planned this whole thing and after I decided the beach would be a good place and everything."

     You hug him around his neck. "This is the most romantic and beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me. And I will always love you. Now and forever." You say, as the wind blows your fringe into your face.

    "It's getting windy. We should go back." Johnnie says, taking your hand in his and leads you back to where everyone else is still looking for him.

    This is the greatest day of my life! I never want it to end, you think.

    You're holding the rose softly because you don't  want to break it or drop it. As you're lost in your thoughts, tears start slipping down your cheeks.

    "Oh my god! Are you okay?" Johnnie asks, worried and scared.

    "Yes. I'm just so happy and I love you and I never thought so many people would ever actually care about me." You say.

    "Well," Johnnie says stopping. "We will always care about you and we will always love you, no matter what." he says, kissing away your tears.

    You squeeze Johnnie's hand as a thank you. As you get closer to where everyone is, you can hear them yelling for Johnnie louder.

    "Hey, guys! I found him." You say.

    Bryan looks at you and then your hands and back at you guys, smirking.

    "So you finally did it." Johnnie looks at him confused.

    "You didn't know I was gonna do this." Bryan chuckles a little bit.

    "No, but I knew you liked him. Just by the way you acted around him." Johnnie looks at him annoyed. "And I knew Y/N liked you. Also, the way he acted around you and he told me, the day when we first met." You blush bright red remembering the day you accidentally said you loved Johnnie.

    "Shut up, Bryan. This so romantic!!" Shannon gushes from behind us. "Why I don't you ever do anything like this for me?" she turns to Tyler and he stands up.

    "What?! I do so many romantic things." he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

    "Oh, yeah. Name one then." Shannon says, tapping her foot.

    "Well, um. There's... Remember when... Um, or when... I WROTE YOU A SONG!! (Idk if this is true but he probably did) Everyone just starts laughing.

    "Well this is super romantic!" Shannon says, smiling at me and Johnnie.

    "Fine. Whatever I'll do something." Tyler says, hugging her around her waist.

    Johnnie walks you and him back to the car, your hands interlocked and rose in you other hand. Everyone soon follows and gets in as well. Since there's only five seats and nine of us, you sit on Johnnie's lap, Shannon sits on Tyler's lap, Bryan and Jordan sit in the front seats. Kyle and Alex squeeze next to each other and Jeydon sits on the floor because he actually wanted to.

    "I don't see why I don't just sit on the roof." Jeydon pouts.

    "You'll die." Jordan says, looking down at him.

    "I'll hold on tight." he pouts, putting out his bottom lip.

    "No. We already told you." Jordan tells him, laughing.

    "Plus Jey," you say, touching his hair. "We can all get in trouble."

    "AHHH NUUUUUU DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!! It's special!" Jeydon squeaks, touching his hair.

    "Haha ok, Jeydon. But stop pouting."

    Bryan pulls up to the apartments. "WE'RE! HERE!!" he screams.

    "OK YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL WE'RE ALL RIGHT HERE!!!" Kyle screams in return.

    "Shut the fuck up guys!" Johnnie says, laughing and helping you and the other out of the car.

He's My Little Wallflower (Johnnie Guilbert X Reader) *Male*Where stories live. Discover now