Jin Daddy Jokes Pt.6

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[#Jin daddy jokes 16]

진: 3월에 대학생들이 강한 이유는?
- 개강해서.

Jin: Why are college students strong in March?
- Because it's the beginning of a new term.

(개강해서 gae-gang-hae-seo is the verb "개강하다" (gae-gang-ha-da / a new term begins) with 아/어서 grammar (indicating the reason of an action/a situation). "개강해서" is read the same as "개 강해서" (gae gang-hae-seo), which is the word "개" (gae / used in slangs, meaning "frigging", "so", "really") and "강하다" (gang-ha-da / strong) with 아/어서 grammar. "개 강해서" means "because they are frigging strong.


[#Jin daddy jokes 17]

Jin: Where is the place that has audio?

-Where" is "어디어" (eo-di-eo) and is pronounced similar to "audio" (오디오 o-di-o) in Korean.


[#Jin daddy jokes 18]

Jin: What is it called when a cow goes up the stairs?
- Goose~oose bumps.

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