Fearing who may take him away from my weak sensitive heart.

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Yesterday was swell, but today was bad..... When I was walking to meet up Stevens at the cafeteria. I saw him chatting with Rachel. Before Rachel left, she planted a kiss on his cheek. My heart sank. Feeling my emotions swirl up into fears. I walked away. I dropped my books as it made a trail of fallen pages. My eyes became life less as my fear and sorrow consume me.

I ran to the female bathroom. I was glad it was closed. I stepped back into a open stall and the door got shut. As I stood up and was close to open the door. I noticed Rachel shoes pass by. I began to eavesdrop her and noticed Heidi shoes along. "I have heard you kissed Stevens cheek. Why?" Heidi asked. Rachel replied "To make girls jealous. Especially the new girl. When she see I did that. She'll believe she's been played." Heidi gasped a bit. "So dark Rachel". She said. I didn't want to hear Rachel words anymore. I open the stall slowly creepily. With my eyes still dull and lifeless. Green smoke surrounded me. What was left was two screaming girls in the bathroom.

Stevens heard the screams and made a run to escape. But stopped as a monster of vicious teeth, raging bed hair like crazy, and cruel darken eyes. He saw two other girls being carried by a tail. It was Rachel and Heidi! Rachel was screaming so loudly. Heidi stared at Stevens and shouted "Don't blame me! Blame Rachel! She started it!" Rachel lied "Didn't not!" I roared and threw Rachel into a empty room and locked her inside. As the ninja appear. All I hear was "Smoke bomb!" I whacked Randy away. I placed Heidi down gently since she wasn't apart of this. I grasped onto Stevens while roaring something. I glared at every girl and ran to the roof of the school. Stevens was full of fear. Until Randy appeared again. "Alright Stevens-" I interrupted him by smacking him. Randy groaned "Alright stop it!" I growled and clinged onto Stevens. It took Randy to realize that my most prize possession was Stevens.  Randy can't hurt him nor put him in jeopardy. "Stevens destank her!" Stevens didn't know what to do. He just kissed me and my eyes widen. I got destank and fall with Stevens holding me close. Randy caught luckily and landed us safely. Heidi ran up to the ninja. "Ninja wait! There's a truth! Rachel wanted revenge on Stevens so she kissed his cheek and made the new girl jealous! Please don't be upset on Stevens!" Randy sighed "good. But no tom-cattin'". Stevens nodded as he promise and Randy smoke bomb away. Julian, Bucky, Lily, Howard, and Randy ran over. Julian shouted before he get a chance to punch Stevens. "What did you do!?" Heidi explained everything. I passed out after being back to normal. I collapsed to the ground. Everything became so dark for me. So dark...... Again.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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