blowing up city

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So this is from ShadowClaw0902, which is for the joker to blow up Gotham city.

Joker-* slumped down in chair at lair* so bored...What to d-

Harley- Mista J!! Read this!!*shows him comment dare*

Joker-* reads it* hmm, I  Guess I could try that ......again. Actually I think I will*stands up* time to start making some bombs*smiles*

*Later at the batcave*

Batman-*sitting at computer then gets a message saying that there are bombs placed around the city and the mayor is tied up* great! Just great! I can't get a break! I have to save the mayor and the stupid bombs!Robin!!

Robin-yes dad?*runs in*

Batman-come on we have to find the mayor

Robin-alright!!*jumps in batmobile and straps seatbelt*

*Let's just say they were really close, they saved the mayor but did not get to stop the bombs. So the city is blown up*

Batman-aw crap. Well what a shame... time to go home!

Joker- not so fast batsy!!

Batman-*sighs*what now joker?!

Joker-*laughs and stands next to batman, looking at the destroyed city*so beautiful

Batman-yeah forget this, I hate you*walks away*

Joker-*smiles really big* he loves it!!

Sorry this isn't great, but I tried. Hope you liked it

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