B-mans underwear

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From playergirl64891: I dare joker to sneak into Batman's bedroom and steal one of his underwear without getting caught.

Joker:hehe, that should be fun.

-later that night while Bruce is out fighting crime-

Joker:*trying to crawl into window at Wayne Manor*stay still Harley.

Harley:*holding his feet, boosting him up* I'm trying

Joker:*falls through window*


Joker:thanks Harley. I'll be back in a second.*walks through halls*where even is his room?* Sees door that has a batman symbol*nevermind

Joker:*walks in room and looks around*

Alfred:*hears something coming from that room and stands at the outside of the door* sir? Are you back early?

Joker:uh*does his best Batman voice* uh-Go away Alfred!! Make me food!!

Alfred:ok sir*walks away*

Joker: finally*looks through his room then sees a pair of Batman's underwear* eww*picks up a pink pair of underwear that has bat symbols on them and laughs *

Joker:I better go now* walks out room and back to the window then throws the underwear out the window*

Harley:*underwear lands on her head* what-- ewwwww!!!!!*throw it off*

Joker:sorry about that *climbs out window-

Harley:you did all this just to get underwear?

Joker: yep!

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