Finding Out

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*Hunter's POV*

I woke up to the smell of pancakes I walked downstairs to see mark making some pancakes mark noticed me and asked "Hey do you want some" I sat on the couch and mark brought over some pancakes as I turned on the TV as we started to eat my sleeve went up me arm and showed some bruises on my wrists and I guess mark saw them cause he said " what the heck is this" then he pulled up my sleeve and revealed the rest of my bruises and I spoke up and said "Well you know how I told you that I couldn't live in Texas anymore" he nodded " Well after i came out to my parents they said I wish you were normal and stuff like that and they started to abuse me by hitting me and stuff like that and at one point I got fed up with it so I called and asked if I could stay with you" he went silent and then out of the blue hugged me and said "I love you and I will always will be there for you no matter what" I was surprised at how well-ish he took this I hugged him back and I said "I know that's why I came to you first"

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