Part I: Traced

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"I'll miss our after school walks."


"I'll never hide anything from you."


"Y/n are you okay?"

"Do you think I'm okay!?" I shouted. Silence befell on the once lively wine bar that chimed with laughter. The alcohol's effect subsided, and soon my nerves cringed from the stares my antics garnered.

I turn to my right to meet F/n whose hand I just noticed was resting on my shoulder. Her face showed a concerned but perplexed expression.

I looked down, my h/c hair bangs drooping "Sorry..." I mumbled an audible apology. The bar's customers resumed their chatter with a noticeable decrease of energy compared to when we first came in. Understandable.

"What has gotten into you Y/n?" F/n asked. I tried my best to look at her, then she sighed. "You drank too much."

My hand went in for another glass but F/n prevented me from doing so, grabbing my hand by the wrist. "That's enough for today." She scolded me, but my attention was elsewhere, at the 7 suspicious men at one booth. F/n noticed and made me look at her. I could hear her take in air, as if she was about to say something but then she just sighed.

"I forgot that when you are drunk you barely listen to anyone" she said, gripping her glass tightly.

F/n finished the rest of her glass. "I'm sorry guys but we really need to..." she faced the others we were with. I cut her off before she was able to ask permission to leave.

"I'm okay." I spoke. F/n looked at me, worry bare in her face.

"Are you sure?" F/n stared at me. F/n was always like this, eversince that incident. She would always look out for me. To be honest, we were in a more like parent/child relationship. Don't get me wrong though, her concern was well-founded, but I wasn't a kid for me to be treated like one. It's true that I wasn't over the thing with Jungkook even after all these years, but I can handle my own. Besides, it's our friends reunion, and she ought to have fun.

I drowsily stood up, my legs threatening to fail me. "I... just need some fresh air." I weakly replied. F/n didn't seem content with my excuse, but she took it anyway, facing the others to chat with them. Good.

I paid my full attention on my feet that wobbled with every step, finding support in the things my hand manages to grab. With me focused on my footing, I wasn't aware of the things around me, including the seven figures headed for the same direction also.

I neared the exit to the wine bar after a few more steps. As I advanced towards the comfort of fresh air, I bumped into a tall, masculine figure. Just then the alcohol kicked again, my knees succumbing to it's influence.

"Ahhhh!" I shouted after I took a step backward, lost my footing, and fell. Luckily though two hands got hold of me, preventing my otherwise painful fall. Some might say I was lucky, but when I saw the face to whom the 2 hands belonged to, I debated whether I was lucky at all. I'd recognize those eyes anywhere.

I couldn't believe it.

It's him.

It was Jungkook.


Hello it's me! This chapter may seem short so sorry in advance! It's overwhelming to post my first story here but at the same time it makes me nervous. Please tell me if I do have any grammatical errors, wrong spelling etc. And also...

Bts hwaiting!

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