Part IV: We Need To Talk

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"Where did you go the other night Y/n?" F/n asked through the phone. I rubbed my eyes. A few nights had passed since that happened, but the events that unfolded was still clear as day in my mind. And today was exceptionally sunny and bright.

I gazed outside, the sun's warmth resting on my face. I sighed. "It's...a long story." I finally replied. F/n will scold at me if I told her about my encounter. I wasn't ready to talk about it yet. Not now, there's another time for that.

A few seconds of silence were enough to tell me of her intentions to ask me further on the matter. I looked at the clock. It was already 11:00, which meant I had to cook my lunch now. Take note of the word "my"

"Listen F/n, I really have to hang up now." I said through the telephone. I heard F/n's voice, startled, confirming that she was thinking of a question to ask me. I heard her whine. "Fine, I'll talk to you later." F/n replied. It was the last thing I heard from her as I hung up immediately after to avoid any unnecessary conversation.

I laid back on my couch, gazing at the plain, unamusing ceiling. A week has already passed, but the memories of that night were so bare, so fresh that it felt like it just happened last night. In any case, I wasn't taking it well.

I stood up and went to the kitchen. The chilly air from the fridge met my face, and after I blinked I looked at the contents of my fridge. Figures. It contained nothing more than a carton of milk and a moldy tomato.

I palmed my face. "I forgot to go to the grocery." I muttered to myself. I slammed the fridge shut, going back to the living room. After I decided to eat outside, I proceeded to wear my shoes, no soon later did my doorbell rang.

I tilted my head as I heard the chime that I barely heard, but was nevertheless familiar. "Who could've visited me?" I repeatedly asked myself. It was highly unusual for me to have a visitor to my apartment at this time. It couldn't possibly be F/n, it couldn't also be the mailman, since I already received mine just this morning.

The thought still bugged my head until I arrived at the front of my door. When I turned the knob, I got my answer. Although that answer is something, rather someone I didn't expect.

There stood at the doorway was Jungkook, all black, with a box of chicken at his right hand and other fast food at his left.

I look at him in shock. My reflexes went to do their job and my hand proceeded to slam the door.

'What is he doing here?' 'How did he know my address?' A series of questions bugged my mind for a few seconds before I notice that my door was left ajar, a foot preventing me to full close it. What soon followed after that realization was an "Ouch". I continued to push the door with my back on it, mustering all the strength my thin body offered.

"Go away!" I huffed, pushing the door still in hopes to close it. After that, I soon felt resistance and the door slowly began to open.

"Listen, I just want to talk to you." Jungkook said, almost sounding like he was pleading. I pushed again, making him withdraw a little.

"We've got nothing to talk about!" I said between breaths caused by my seemingly fruitless efforts. Admit it or not, Jungkook was stronger than me. A physically active person against an inactive one definitely has the upper hand.

My legs began to strain from all the pushing I made. It's a miracle that I lasted for at least 4 minutes in pushing a door against a man who works out before I gave way. I slid down the door, slumping in defeat.

The door slightly budged as Jungkook squeezed through the space. I watch with teary eyes and cuddled myself tighter against the wall as he put the food he brought down.

"Go away..." I sniffled, although I knew it was useless. Jungkook kneeled down to look at me face to face. It was when he pulled down his face mask that I felt the tears stream down to my cheeks.

"Please...I know you're still upset about the past" He said. I felt his hand drift to my cheek. "Hey...Y/n please look at me."

Whatever will I had to resist him suddenly was gone. I did as he asked and looked at him. At his right eye, a tear was starting to form but he quickly wiped it off with his hand.

Jungkook chuckled. "I have a lot to explain to you but before that..." He reached out to grab the box of chicken he put down a while ago.

"Let's have lunch first."

And I couldn't resist fried chicken

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