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As Gabriel approached the large oak door he suddenly lost all calm he had while driving the few miles to the mansion. Looking at it made him feel so, so small. Gabriel thought he lived in a mansion, but this, this was at least five of his put together. It would be so easy to get lost in such a big space. He could only hope he wouldn't have to leave wherever the dinner would be held, he was ninety percent certain he wouldn't make it back to that room if he did.

Just as he was about to put his hand on the large metal knocker in the middle of the door it swung open to reveal an older woman.She had greying, long blonde hair tied up into some complicated looking and braided up-do and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. If she wasn't at least thirty years older than him, Gabriel would have already started his flirting game.

"Gabriel Motley, I'm so glad you could join us tonight. I'm Jessica Whitmon." She held her hand out to him and gave him an uncomforting smile. Gabriel wasn't sure about this woman, but one thing certain was that he wasn't the only one that had secrets. He shook her hand and gave her a half smile before smoothing his hands down the sides of his black slacks. "Please, come in. The dining room is to the right." Jessica stepped to the side to let him pass.

He took a large step across the door frame and made his way to the dining room that happened to be down a very very long and winding hallway. There was no way in hell he was getting back to the front door by himself. The house was practically a maze. When he entered the dining room everyone was already seated, the only two seats left were marked with names. The one at the farthest end of the table was his and on the other end he could only assume was Jessica's.

"Greetings my fellow neighbors I am so glad you could join us!" A man seated at the head of the table stood up, taking his wine glass with him. "I would like to start out with a toast to you all. To my neighbors who are nice enough to attend this party despite not knowing anyone but yourselves. Also to the mutual respect we have to never bother each other any other time." He chuckled and smiled at Jessica who stood at the door with her own glass. He must be Mr. Whitmon. "To us." He lifted his glass to the air and drank.

"To us." The table awkwardly followed his laugh and drinking movements before eyeing the rest of the table suspiciously. As if everyone understood that something about this party was totally and utterly off.

Mr.Whitmon cleared his throat. "Unfortunately I have work to tend to and will not be able to stay for the dinner. Hopefully I will be able to join later. For now, my lovely wife will keep you company." Jessica walked to his side and he placed a small kiss on her cheek before disappearing into some unknown room connected to the dining room.

"Yes, thank you all so much for making the correct decision in joining us tonight." Mrs.Whitmon eyed the empty seat, an unpleasant expression crossed her features for a split second before the plastic smile returned to her pink lips. "Unfortunately, Nancy Linderson could not make it tonight but alas the party will go on! Please talk among yourselves while I go check on the food." At that she turned on her black heels and exited through the same door she had entered through.

For a moment Gabriel thought he spotted a speck of red against the woman's pale skin but shook the thought off. It was nothing to worry about. He had nothing to worry about. At least that's what he told himself as the room burst into low murmurs and quiet exchanges of questions. Gabriel glanced around the room, taking in his surroundings. He was positive he didn't recognize any of the people in the room. Yet they all, supposedly, lived in the same neighborhood.

It seemed everyone was either too confused or perhaps too scared to talk at a normal level. The young girl to Gabriel's right turned to him.To his surprise, she looked no older than seventeen yet didn't seem to be accompanied by any sort of family member. Either she was the youngest self made millionaire he knew or something terrible must have happened for her to have gotten all that money. But that seemed to be the trend here. Everyone had some kind of dirty secret about their wealth. Including Gabriel.

Sabrina spoke quietly, clearly spooked about this whole thing. Though more so than most people. She must know something everyone else didn't. "Do you know why we are here?" Her voice sounded so innocent, There was no way this girl belonged at this dinner with all these strangers. If Gabriel had a heart, he'd feel bad for her. Maybe there was a bit of pity, but not enough to amount to anything. He only cared about himself. That's why he lived alone and prefered not to marry or pursue love.

"No more than you." He didn't think to mention the warning on the back of his letter.

"Did... were you forced here?" She asked, her eyes unblinking. Gabriel looked around the room but nobody was listening.

"Honey, I don't get forced anywhere." The girl frowned and slid down a little in her seat. "If you aren't going to eat that I will." Gabriel motioned to the untouched food on her plate. She slid it towards him without looking. "I'm Gabriel by the way."


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