Want Some Chocolate

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       "I'm bored" said Limbo, the one who somewhat has brains. "What do you want to do?" asked Johnny, the all brawn, no brains brother. Limbo and Johnny did everything together. It didn't matter if it was taking a bath or taking a dump, they did it together. So when one of them got an idea, the other one followed. "You wanna know what we should do" said Limbo. "What" asked Johnny. "We should get jobs" suggested Limbo, who again has most of the "great" ideas. "Bro, that is like the greatest idea you have ever had!" "But where are we gonna get jobs?" asked Johnny. "We'll just do what everybody in the movies do, have a modern life issue and get jobs to help fix it, duh" Limbo says proudly. So they followed their "great" advice and started at the grocery store. "What do you want to do?" asked Johnny. "Let's go find some chocolate." said Limbo. Limbo and Johnny kept on searching for the chocolate, until they found something that kind of looked like chocolate. "Hey, I think I found some!" said Johnny. "Johnny this says Play-Doe.........THAT'S THE BEST KIND!" says Limbo excitingly. "But the only problem is it doesn't taste like regular chocolate." " So why don't we just make that our new job?" asked Johnny. "Johnny............ YOU ARE A GENIUS!" said Limbo. So to make a long story short, Limbo and Johnny bought a bunch of brown Play-Doe, added a bunch of extra stuff to it, and put stickers that said "Play-Doe X-TREME" on them. They then set out on their amazing adventure to sell some chocolate.

Limbo And Johnny: A Tale Of ChocolateWhere stories live. Discover now