Attack of the Axis of evil: AKA T.A.O.F

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Now we find our heroes in the R.V trying to figure out how the "yogurt machine" works. "Maybe if we press that button right there." Johnny suggest. "Johnny that button is red." Limbo said. "You never press the red button." "Guys, there's a few people following us in a bus." Phillip said cowardly. "Look, its that trucker man!" Reggie said. "And there's the bear, Dr.Kevin, and Mario!" Johnny said. "Why does that bear look like it's trying to jump on the R.V?" Limbo asked. Right at that moment, the bear from the Axis of Evil jumps on top of the R.V! "HOLY CRAP THE BEARS ON THE R.V! Reggie said scared. Phillip drove all over the place, ruining thousands of dollars worth of car insurance! "YOU DID THIS TO YOUR SELVES!" Marcus shouts to them. Meanwhile, at the back of the bus. "Okay mike, all you have to do is jump inside the bus and get my teleporting device." Dr.Kevin explained. "That would be simple....but there driver is just driving in circles for some unknown reason." Mike said. Meanwhile, back in Limbo's point of view. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS MARIO!" Limbo shouted. "FIRST OF ALL MY NAME IS MARCUS, AND SECOND OF ALL, YOU KILLED MY GRANDPA." Marcus shouts back. "I thought he was just sleeping." Johnny said. "BUT MARIO YOUR GRANDPA CALLED YOU MARIO TOO!" Limbo said. "Wait a sec, you're right." Marcus said. "He also thought you were interested in guys." Johnny said. "I can't believe I've been blind this whole time!" Marcus says to himself. "SO DO WE HAVE A TRUCE OR ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP ON TALKING TO YOURSELF?" Limbo said. "We have a truce." Marcus said. "That's can your bear get off of our R.V now?"

Now our heroes find themselves with T.A.O.F inside the R.V. "To knew friends!" Johnny shouts. "TO NEW FRIENDS!" Everyone shouts. "Aw man, my drinks gone." Mike said. "Don't worry man, I'll get you some frozen yogurt." Reggie said. Reggie walks towards the teleporting machine. He pressed the button. "No! Why did you press the button!" Dr.Kevin said in terror. "He wanted some frozen yogurt." Reggie said. "GREAT, NOW WE COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE!" As soon as Dr.Kevin finished his sentence, the R.V teleported into SPACE. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Marcus said angrily. "Lets look on the bright side, we have someone to be mad at now." Mike said. "Hey you're right!" Marcus said. "T.A.O.F is back everyone!" "What the heck is a taffy?" Johnny asked. "I don't know man but it sounds like it taste good." Phillip told him. "It doesn't matter what it means, we will be back to destroy you." Marcus said evilly. "We'll see you next time Mario." Limbo said. T.A.O.F walked out the door. "Well now that that's over, we should probably find a way back to earth." Limbo stated. And just like that, our heroes story ends........for now. Be sure to return for our next story: Limbo And Johnny Vs. The Aliens From Uranus!

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