Chapter Eight

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Chris sighs climbing off the couch, "You can say bye to Skyler if you want. She's in the bathroom in her room. Try to untie her and I'll kill her so that you have no reason to untie her."

I roll my eyes and I walk into my mom's room and into the bathroom. My mom is tied up in the bathtub. Her forehead is bleeding and she looks like crap.

I feel bad that I left her with Chris but I thought she could take care of herself. I mean what can I say? I was scared. I mean I still am but I'm not gonna let anyone see it.

I walk over to my mom and I pull the cloth out of her mouth.

She turns to me and sighs, "I'm sorry about lying to you Lily. I did it to keep you safe but I see that its not working out that well."

I shrug, "Its not your fault. I'm the one who gave him our address."

Chris laughs behind me, "Don't worry Lily its not your fault. I already knew where you guys lived."

My mom goes to say something but Chris cuts her off by shoving the gag in her mouth, "Come on Lily time to go."

I sigh and I begin walking out of the room. Chris follows me out and we make our way out of the apartment. We then make our way through the building and out the front door. 

He walks over to a cheap looking car and he opens the passenger side door.

I crawl in and I pull my knees up to my chest. This is really happening. I'm getting freaking kidnapped by the same guy who apparently kidnapped my mom too!

"I asked you a question Lily." Chris says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turn and look at him, "I wasn't listening. What did you say?"

He laughs and starts the car, "You're just like your mom. She always dazed out."

I shrug, "What did you ask me?"

"What were you thinking about?" He asks as he begins driving. 

"Escaping." I say turning back to my knees.

He looks at me worried, "Want to get something to eat?"

I shake my head, "I'm not hungry."

"Great I'm hungry too. Lets stop at Taco Bell." He says turning into Taco Bell.

I roll my eyes and I go to unbuckle but he shakes his head and parks, "Your not getting out."

He reaches in the backseat and grabs a pair of handcuffs before reaching forward and handcuffing my wrist to the searing wheel.

"What do you want?" Chris asks grabbing a wad of cash from the glove compartment.

"Hmmm I want to be at home with my mom eating breakfast."

"So four Doritos locos tacos? Great." He says getting out of the car. He locks the doors and he begins walking up to the Taco Bell.

I quickly pull my phone out when he gets inside. I scroll through my phone looking for people that would help my mom. I click on Draven's number and I wait.

Almost a minute later he picks up, 

Hey, whats up sweetheart?"

"My mom is tied up in the bathroom, I'm being kidnapped as we speak by someone named Chris, and right now he's inside buying tacos. Please help, he said we're going to Ireland!"

"Okay hunny stay calm! Everything will be okay!" He sounds like he's freaking out, "I'm getting in the car now."

"I have to go, he's coming back!" I say ending the call and shoving it back into my bra. He raises his eyebrow when he sees me fixing my bra.

I sit back and I mess with the handcuff. He unlocks the car door and gets in, "Good to see your still here."

I mess with my sweater when my phone buzzes.

I turn to him, "Haven't you seen someone with itchy boob before?"

He goes to say something but he just starts the car. He hands me a drink before unlocking my handcuff. He sets the food on the floor and begins driving.

I take a big drink of the drink and I raise my eyebrow, "What is it? It tastes horrible."

He grabs the drink and he sighs, "Goodnight Lily."

I try looking around but my eye lids get heavy, "Yoou drued me."

I fall to the side and I pass out. 

All The LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora