Chapter Sixteen

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After being forcibly pulled back to Chris's house Blaine got me some purple basketball shorts and a baggy white shirt. I quickly throw them on and I take a seat on my bed.

Blaine sighs, "I have some advice for you if you plan on surviving much longer. Chris is a Alpha so if he bites you he can basically read your mind and contact you threw your mind. So I suggest that you don't say anything mean or sarcastic to yourself."

He walks out of the room, locking the door behind him.

I sigh. I feel like my world has been flipped upside down and shaken. Nothing makes sense anymore.

I pinch myself hard, please let me wake up. I don't want to be here anymore. I want a prince to take me away from here, to take me away from

I stand up and I walk over to the window. I pop the window open and I sit down under it. Come on Prince I'm waiting.

Chris unlocks the door and walks into the room. He walks over and bends down in front of me. I look up at him for a moment before looking back down. I look back up when I hear a click and I feel something around my neck.

I bring my hand up and I brag the thing around my neck. 

"A dog collar?" I ask pulling on it. I jerk my head to the side when I get zapped, "Ouch! What the heck?"

Chris stands up and he begins laughing, "Follow me. I'll show you."

He doesn't wait for my response, he grabs my shirt and yanks me up. Chris picks me up in one swoop and he throws me out of the window before jumping down landing besides me.

I get off of the ground, "You know there's a door right?"

Chris rolls his eyes, "Then whats the point in having a perfectly good window?"

Chris grabs my arm and we begin walking. We reach a log about fifty feet away from the house and Chris turns to me smiling before pushing me past the log.

I fall to the ground in agonizing pain. Who knew it would hurt to get shocked so much? I try crawling past the log back onto safe land so I can stop getting shocked but Chris pushes me back past the log. Chris finds pure enjoyment in this, what a sadist.

Everything starts to get blurry and my screams begin coming out in echoed tones. Chris rolls his eyes and grabs my arms before pulling me back past the log.

I don't think my mouth should taste like metal!

I curl up in a ball clenching my stomach. What a sadistic freak!

Chris begins laughing even louder then before.

He picks me up my collar which sends shocks through my body. He release my collar and comes close to my ear before whispering, "I'll show you sadistic."

He kicks my hard in the shin so I fall to the ground with a thud. He takes this chance to kick, hit, stomp, slap, scratch, and punch me. I try fighting back but I'm just so out of it. 

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