Chapter One - Part Two

34 3 26

Friday October 30th 2015

Hannah and I were sitting in the stairway between the Music and Drama Departments eating lunch. It was the only place we had peace to discuss our plans, without everyone else joining in. Hannah was determined to keep the details secret.

"I've got us booked in at three to get our nails done and Aria is coming by at seven to do our hair and makeup." Hannah said, her worries from earlier in the day almost forgotten about as she got excited.

"And we'll get the boys over tonight to help with the decorations, there's no way we can get it all done ourselves." I said.

She sighed. Hannah wanted to keep them out of the planning, but she wasn't stupid, she knew her house was too big for just the two of us in one night. In fact even with the help of the boys and Hannah's mom helping we were going to struggle.

"Sure," she said. "but they only get to help put them up, don't tell them anything else."

I agreed.

The door to the music department opened and giggles flooded up the stairs.

Hannah quickly stashed her party planning folder into her bag before the giggling girls reached us.

"Oh Hannah, Meghan." The false sweet tone of Amy's voice echoes through the stairway. "I've been looking for you two everywhere."

Amy Evans, class A bitch and a common whore, or as Hannah would put it, not a nice person.

Hannah looked down and picked at the loose threads on her blue backpack.

"What is it Amy," I spat out as I clenched my fists.

"I wanted to give you these," She said flipping her long black curls over her shoulder before reaching into her handbag to pull out some cheap flyers.

Immediately I scrunched up the one she handed to me and threw it down the stairs.

"Why don't you take your trash elsewhere?" I said standing up from my seat on the stairs. "Whatever it is we aren't interested."

"You're throwing a Halloween party? Hannah piped up for the first time since Amy's arrival. "but I'm having my birthday party tomorrow,"

I let out a laugh before speaking.

"Seriously, you're actually trying to compete with Hannah?" I took the flyer off Hannah and pushed it into Amy's hands.

Amy looked over her shoulder to Charlotte her, almost as bitchy, friend.

"That's so sweet, they think were competing." Amy said and Charlotte giggled. "There's no competition."

"Let's go Hannah," I said taking Hannah's hand and leading her down the stairs, making sure to bump into Amy as we went past."

Hannah's eyes glistened. She hated confrontations and Amy always sought her out just to wind her up.

"That's it," Hannah said. "I might as well just cancel everything." 

"She's not throwing any party Hannah, she's just saying it to wind you up. She knows how much you fret about these things, and besides even if she did throw one no one would go. Everyone loves you Hannah, her they probably wouldn't go to one of her parties even if she paid them.

"I know you're right," she said with a soft sigh. "I just can't get over the feeling that something bad is going to happen."

She busied herself twisting a lock of hair around her finger. I could hear her counting under her breath it was barely audible but I knew it was a sign, she was trying to calm herself down. While Hannah was always the one trying to be strong for everyone else, always showing her smile in front of others. Doing everything she could to make sure everyone else was okay, It was all a facade that only a few could see through, and I was the only one she ever felt comfortable showing her true feelings to.

"You know what," I said trying to distract her. "we could cut class, just go back to yours house, get an early start on decorating."

Lines appeared on her face, she pursued her lips and her arms folded across her chest as she took a deep breath.

"Don't you even dare think about it," she said firmly. "I will not have my perfect attendance ruined just because you don't want to go to Maths."

All thoughts of Amy and the party being ruined flew right out of her head as she scolded me.

"Come on, it's not like I'm ever going to need to know that useless crap they teach, and despite what Miss Jones says about not carrying a calculator everywhere for the rest of my life, my phone does come with a calculator and its better than that clunky thing she makes us use." I said, crossing my arms to mimic her.

"Meghan," she said, the tome in her voice almost daring me to continue.

"Besides don't you have a free period last?" I added.

The bell signalling the end of lunch echoed through the corridor and Hannah grabbed my arm, making sure I wouldn't run off to skip class.

"I'm tutoring Samantha last period." Hannah said, tightening her grip. "and even if I wasn't I'd be using that time to study, that's what it's there for. " She pulled me along the corridor like a misbehaving child. "Now young lady, time for math."

I smiled and let her lead me to class, her panic attack avoided. I just hoped she could stay calm until the party was over.

Authors Note: No sign of the horror yet but it is coming soon. I just want everyone to get to know Hannah a little first, otherwise you may not care so much about what happens to her and i really want you to care.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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