Chapter Four

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(Sam's P.O.V.)

When Kian mentioned inviting the neighbors to the party I was a bit surprised since we barely knew them. I figured it would be a good way to get to know them better. Also a good way to find out--

"What did you say her name was?" I interrupt Kian's moment of staring into space. "Hm?" he questions, looking up. "What was her name? The neighbor's?"

"Lexi," he smiles with one side of his mouth. I shake my head. "No, the other one."

Wow, I don't even know my own neighbor's name. Now that's sad.

"Oh, that's Bobbie." He smirks at me. "You think she's hot, don't you?" he pushes. I blush a little and clear my throat. "Well she is..." I mumble under my breath as I stare at my phone, hoping Kian didn't hear me.

Apparently he still heard me anyways, cause he starts laughing. When he's done thinking he's just so hilarious, I'm blushing even harder. "You guys would be cute together," he smiles. I stand up and push my chair in. "Well if you're not gonna ask them, I will," I shrug.

I walk up to their front porch, ring the doorbell, then step back a bit. I hope Bobbie answers. Fortunately when the door opens it is her.

"Um hi... I have a couple of things to say, if you don't mind..." I must sound so awkward. She nods and smiles as I continue. "Well for one, I'm sorry I bumped into you earlier. And also, Kian wanted to invite you and your friend to a party we're going to later. It's a beach party."

(Bobbie's P.O.V.)

He looked up at me  innocently. Aw, I couldn't turn him down now. Why is he so hot? It's not fair... I nod and say "Just give me a second," and close the door almost all the way but leave it a crack open.

"Lexi!!" I yell down the hall. She comes out of her room for a second. "What?" "We were just invited to a beach party later, do you wanna go?" I smile, and she bites her lip. Oops, I forgot she's never been to a real party before. Victoria's held her in for years. "Uhm.." she mutters. I smile cheerfully. "C'mon, it'll be fun. Trust me. You won't have to leave my side." She nods a little and says slowly, "sure, I guess..." she shrugs and goes back into her room. She shouldn't worry too much, I know she'll have fun.

I prance back to the door and give a glowing smile to the neighbor. "We can go! What time is it?" He smiles and tugs at his lip ring. "It's about three-ish. See you there!" he waves. Why was he in such a rush to leave? He looked nervous for some reason, as he walked down the steps and down the walkway back toward his house.

"Wait.." I call. "What's your name?" that made me laugh a little on the inside, cause that's exactly what he asked me earlier. He stops in his path and looks at me with a smirk. "You can call me Sam." He winks and walks back to his house.

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