~Chapter 10: Why?

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Natsu's P.O.V

Why? Why did I did that? I don't even know why, it just felt like I knew her more its like we've  known each other for a long time. But if I knew her before who is she?

Who are You Lucy Heartfilia?


I woke up and started my morning routine ,I put on my uniform then got my backpack and got out of my room. I go down stairs when my cat suddenly meowed at me saying that he's hungry.

Wondering whats the cat's name its Happy, yes I know its very unique for a owner like me to name my pet from emotions. But I like it

I got to the kitchen and started to open the drawers one by one to find something to cook, I go to my fridge if there are anything I could just heat, I look around the fridge and I saw a box of pizza I pick it up then opened it to find two pizzza slices left.

I took both of them and put them in the heater to be heated, while it was doing its job, I got to the second to the last drawer to find a lot of cat food, I took one can of it then opened it. I put it on Happy's bowl then let him it his food.

When I heard a ringing tone I automatically got to the heater and get those two pizzzas on a plate, I ate then started to watch something since its too early I'll have to relax for the meantime,when the television was on I just looked at the screen not even hearing anything I was just deep in thoughts like seriously I wonder if she's fine.

If she's ok, she said that she studies on my school that means we'll eventually meet but the real question is when?

Like last time we had a chance to meet with each other but when she forgot her phone I was not that pissed I was just disappointed on what happened. I don't blame her  she was just excited to see me that she forgot her phone.

I hope I can see her, I'm actually curious in how she looks, is she thin,fat or maybe just normal or what kind of hair color does she have is it black, brown/brunette, blonde or ginger red.

Speaking of blonde I wonder If I actually know her, if your asking who am I talking about it's blonde I mean Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia

That girl is so mysterious well for me because it looks like she's havong alot of secrets going on in her head of  that, well what am I thinking it is like  early in the morning. That's when I stopped from my train of thoughts.

I looked around then turned off the television, I looked at my phone and it was 7:06 just in time for me to go to school.

Lucy's P.O.V

I was now walking to school when I saw Natsu again ahead of me , what should I do?, do I do something   or just act like it never happened then I remembered something he said yesterday.

"Just remember that this never happened and never ever say this to anyone!! Got it"

"And don't expect me to do this to you again,"

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