Chapter 10

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Jen led them up to the second story of the cafe. It was hardly a loft it was like an apartment. It had hardwood floors, cream colored walls, a couch and tv in the middle, and a small  kitchen to the far right, a door the right of the room and a door to the left. This is your living room here, the door to the right is the bedroom and the door to the left is a bathroom. There's also a bathroom in the bedroom. "Wow," Miles said, "thank you so much." Jen smiled, "You're welcome, and anything you need to refill the kitchen with be in the cafe kitchen. Unless you have a special request and I'll be glad to get it." Ellie was speechless. However she found the words she had been searching for, "This is all incredible but why be nice to us strangers? And how do you have this little place and why is it all fixed up?" Jen giggled a little and answered, "Well I guess I'll lay it out there, my parents are rich. They used to live here but once they had me they moved into a larger house. My parents worked hard to be where they are now and are not greedy. They decided to make the lower part of their old house into a small cafe and keep the upper part as a bed and breakfast but no one's used it in years. As for why you guys, everyone has a low spot and well I wanted to help, and like I said, don't be pressured to leave because no one's been here in years." "Well thank you so much.", Ellie said. Jen smiled and said, "I'm gonna go and let you two unpack." She started to walk away and Ellie smiled at Miles and started to walk towards him. "Oh!," Jen said, "I almost forgot, here's a key." Miles took it, smiling. Then Jen left and they could hear her drive away. Ellie smiled at Miles and ran up to him. She threw her arms around Miles' neck and kissed him passionately. Miles pulled away and asked, "What's that for?" Biting her lip and smiling she looked into his dark eyes and replied, "We're gonna be okay." "El I could've told you that a long time ago, as long as you're with me you're gonna be perfectly fine." El giggled and smiled then she pressed her lips back against his. When they pulled back, she looked at him and he looked back at her with seriousness in his eyes and said, "I love you Ellie." "I love you too Miles." After they unpacked they fell against the bed and flicked the tv on. They cuddled up against the bed and watched tv. Miles saw it was getting late so they both took a shower and they had the best night's sleep since they could remember. Maybe it was because they were laying together or the comfort of the bed. Or maybe it was because they had the thought that everything was going to be okay. 

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