Chapter 20

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"Ellie? Ellie come on wake up." Rebekah's voice was shaky, maybe it was her actual voice or it was just Ellie's hearing. "Hey she's moving her fingers." I am? Are you sure?, Ellie thought not feeling it. "Come on Ellie open your eyes", Rebekah said grabbing Ellie's hand. Ellie forced her eyes to flutter open and the light rushed in burning her eyes. "Ellie!", they both said in unison. "Hi," Ellie croaked, "how long have I been asleep? What happened?" "Shhh it's alright.", Rebekah said. "You've been asleep for three days recovering from your bullet wound. We called 911 right after it happened and luckily we weren't too late." Ellie looked around and tried to sit up but was pushed down by Finn, and her lack of strength. "Miles?", Finn asked. Ellie nodded. "Well he's um, he's still asleep. The doctors said it would take a little longer for him but because of the blood loss and beating he's a little worse but he'll make it." Ellie nodded. "I'm gonna go get the nurse.", Rebekah said walking off. Finn held up a glass of water to Ellie's lips and she felt weird drinking. Then the nurse and doctor came in. "Hi, Ellie.", the doctor said. "I'm Doctor Elijah Corbin but you can just call be Elijah. How are you feeling?" "I'm a little shaky but I'll be alright I guess." Elijah nodded. The nurse and him exchanged looks and looked back at Ellie. "What?" Elijah walked closer to her. "We need to discuss something." Ellie sat up and looked confused, "Um okay." Elijah sat on the closer edge of her bed, "Well of course you're aware that you bled when you were hit right? And Miles also." "Yes." Elijah took a deep breath, "Listen what I'm about to say sounds impossible and it's going to be hard to take in." Ellie nodded, gulped,
and gripped the bed sheet. "When you and Miles bled your blood ran together and out of it," he paused and just looked completely confused, "it created a child. A health baby girl." "What? That's like impossible." Elijah took her hand, "I know this is sudden and crazy but it's true and I know you'll make the right decision." That was the scream she heard before she passed out. So many emotions flooded her, confusion, anger, amazement, and mostly fear of what would happen. However one thing for Ellie was certain, she would keep her baby and live her. She would not treat her like her parents treated her. "This may be soon, but would you like you see her?" Ellie nodded slowly, "Yes bring her to me." Elijah looked relieved, "Good we'll be right back." Ellie prepared herself to see her, daughter. The word filled her head and she shook with fear.

She was thinking of the same word when she heard footsteps coming down the hall. She held her breath. Elijah walked through the door followed by the nurse he help a little bundle on pink cloth and what muhh have been her baby. He walked over to her and started to lean down. "She's as healthy as a horse.", he said with a smile. He stopped wasting time and put the baby in Ellie's open arms. Ellie released her breath when she looked down on the girls perfect face. She was beautiful, small, tiny, and absolutely perfect. Her little chest rising and falling as she slept. A single tear fell down Ellie's cheek and she could barely see the baby as her vision blurred. Ellie had a huge smile on her face. Elijah squirmed, "Um you know adoption is an option if you don't...." Ellie immediately looked up, "No, this is my daughter and I am keeping her." Elijah smiled, "I'm glad, there's another thing you should know." Ellie nodded holding onto her baby's soft and tiny hand. "Her blood is grey. We didn't worry too much about it because of you and Miles' blood. The color makes sense because, blue and black ya know." Ellie knew she couldn't have her daughter being made fun of but she was happy that she had that distinctive trait that made everyone knew that the girl was hers. "Thank you for telling me." Elijah nodded, "Have you decided on a name?" Ellie hadn't even thought of it. She looked puzzled and looked down. "I-I haven't thought about it." "Well you think about it and press the red call button for me." Ellie nodded and waited for him to leave before looking back to her child. However she didn't have to think long before she thought of the perfect name. Emma.

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