Chapter 4

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hi guys♥ thank you so so much for 200 reads(: I love you all! Please vote and comment and lets me know to keep writing!!! enjoy (:

*andrea's POV*

It is 6:15 and shawn is picking me up at 7. I hop in and out of the shower, blow dry my hair, do my usual makeup and put on studded high-waisted shorts and a crop top. I slip on my Vans and hear the door bell ring. I shuffle to the door and open it to see his beautiful face. He looks up and then quickly scans my body.

"y-you look b-beautiful" he stuttered. I feel my cheeks get red on spot.

"thank you" I smiled walking towards his car. He opened the door for me and I smiled at the kind gesture.

He starts the car and drives away from my house. We drive in silence to the movie theater. Not awkward silence, just silence. I stare out the window and feel something warm on my thigh. His hand was placed above my knee rubbing small circles. I had never felt anything more comforting.

*shawn's POV*

Wow. She looked stunning. I loose my mind around her and I want her to be mine. I can tell she's really nervous so i rest my hand above her thigh and feel her relax. If tonight goes as planned I will be a happy guy.

*andrea's POV*

We walk into the movie theater and buy tickets and some snacks. We stroll to our seats making small talk on the way and I hear whispering and giggling. I turn around and there is a cloud of girls who most likely recognized my date tonight. "shawn! shawn! can I have a picture shawn?!" He stops for a moment to take pictures and say hi as I smile and wave.

"whats your name?" one of them asks me.

"Andrea" I state confidently and give a small smile.

"I have been a fan of Shawn since the beginning and you are not good enough for him." she says and turns away. It kind of hurts me but I brush it off knowing that I am in the position they want to be in.

We sit down as the movie starts and watch the commercials. Every once in a while Shawn throws in a comment about the commercial that makes me laugh. We laugh the entire time and i can feel his eyes watching me engage in the movie. It ends and we make small talk back to the car. I really enjoyed tonight. It was relaxed and not too rushed. During the drive I ask him some questions to make conversation.

"So why did you move to Cali?"

"My dad got transferred and we had to pack up our lives and move to a new home." He paused, "im really glad I met you" he smiled and my cheeks heated up. "im glad I met you too shawn" I smiled.

We pull into my driveway and he gets out to open my door.

"do you want to come inside?" I ask and he nods.

We walk to my basement and i grad a few snacks on the way.

I open the goldfish crackers and plop on the couch. Shawn sits a few inches away from me. He reaches his hand in the bag and he pulls out a cracker and throws it in the air and catches it in his mouth.

"show off" I mumble.

"and you can do better?" he teases.

"I know I can." i state confidently.

"ok, lets bet on it. If you catch 5 goldfish in your mouth in a row," he pauses to think,"I get to kiss you."

My cheeks are the color of tomato I know it....

"youre on".

I throw one. Catch it. He applauds. Before I know it hes holding up 5 fingers and we are staring at eachother. Suddenly he slowly leans into me and his lips gently brush over mine. Sparks fly through my body and I instantly kiss him back. I dont want this feeling to end. Our lips move perfectly in sync and I pull away.

"maybe I will have to beat you more often" I giggle. We play some games and watch tv a little. I rest my head on his chest and he covers me with a blanket and I close my eyes.

*shawn's POV*

That kiss. I have never felt that feeling with any girl. Andrea brings out the best in me. I beat her in monopoly and she pretended to be really upset which was the most adorable thing ever. She falls asleep on my chest while we are watching "Full House" re-runs and I cover her with a blanket. I wish we could stay in this moment forever. That she could stay in my arms forever. Im falling for her fast. I kiss her forehead and shut my eyes.

Say Something (Shawn Mendes fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz