Awkward moment

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"Boris! Boris! Boris where are you?" Bendy called out, 'now where is that silly little wolf.' He checked the recording studio, the stage, the dressing rooms and henry's office, he wasn't in any of those rooms!?!

Bendy started to worry, there was still one room he didn't check...his bedroom. He usually doesn't like to invade people's privacy but...he just needed to know if he was alright, he's been in there for hours!

He pressed his ear against the door, hearing footsteps every now and then, he pulled back the door as boris tumbled out "Ack!-" Bendy widened his eyes, to find boris ontop of him, shirtless, they both blushed a bright brown "u-um-" Bendy stared into boris's glistening black eyes

Boris sat up, helping bendy "u-um...sorry about that...-" "no no, it's  ok, i understand-" bendy looked straight down at boris's half zipped pants "That you were...getting...dressed..." his face flushed brown "u-um." They both sat one big...akward...moment

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