pErFeCt // eD sHeErAn (pArT oNe)

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SiRi says that the most popular definition of the word "perfect" is to be free of any flaws, defects, or imperfections. However, I liked the definition underneath that one quite a lot more.

"To be as good as it is possible to be."

Celebrities generally have more money than we do and in their promotional videos, there is usually technology that is being used to cover their blemishes and imperfections.

But you see, at 7 o'clock in the evening, with your hair in the wind and an absolutely adorable outfit on, you will always look just just as perfect as you do at 7 o'clock in the morning, with your hair all over your face and drool dripping onto my shoulder.

Any man in this world would be so extremely blessed to be waking up next to such an amazing, beautiful, Perfect sight and yet, you take a look in the mirror and you are not able to see a damned thing that's worth celebrating.

There are people around you that tell you that they think that you look beautiful every single day but you don't believe them because you've rarely ever been able to look into a mirror and simply love and appreciate what you were seeing. It's tragic, really.

I think (and I certainly hope) that I'll always remember the way that I felt when I first laid my eyes upon you.

You were standing right next to the man that had been taking you for granted and I'll never forget how jealous I was that he even had a single chance to make you feel beautiful and loved, let alone the infinite number of chances you had actually given him.

At that moment, I knew that I absolutely had to make you my girlfriend. I had to show you that you deserved to be treated better than you had ever believed a man could treat someone.

I kept my eyes on you for a little while and saw the way that you had been treating him, and practically instantaneously, I knew that I wanted to be yours.

And now that I have you, every single time that I lay my eyes upon you, it feels like the very first time.

The last time I saw you, it had been a few days since I had seen you and you tried so very hard to look cute for me and Jesus, you looked Perfect.

But you didn't have to try.

You wore a checkered flannel shirt and jeans. Your hair was down and straightened and it rested upon the backs of your shoulders. And for half of the day, you walked around town with me, wearing a long, yellow dinosaur hat.

And my God, you looked so Perfect.

I know that in the past, significant others have mistreated you and gone to other women and because of them doing so, I feel that it may be one of the reasons that you may not feel as if you are the most beautiful or most Perfect woman in the world.

But my dear, because of you and simply the way that you carry yourself, I want you to know that you have actually give me proof that an angel exists among us.

You have the standards and values of a woman that has the utmost respect for herself and all of those around her.

You used to tell me all the time that you didn't care about many people that were around you but when you did care, you cared a lot.

But as you would tell me that, you would simultaneously spread positivity to anyone around you that you felt possibly needed it, even if they absolutely annoyed the hell out of you.

You use your manners with adults and people that you respect and you make sure that everyone around you feels, to some degree, loved and important.

You hold me upon the highest of pedestals and you make damned sure that I know that, daily. You make sure that everyone knows that, daily.

With you, my darling, I have met a breathtakingly beautiful, extremely respectable, and beautifully kind angel that actually loves me with all of her heart.

And I don't think that I'll ever deserve it.

Because you, my dear, are Perfect.

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