I got my markers today! Time for a test run!

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I've done some research and from what I hear these are the next best thing to copics but they're a shit ton cheaper! Here's a Lil test drawing I did up!

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I've done some research and from what I hear these are the next best thing to copics but they're a shit ton cheaper! Here's a Lil test drawing I did up!

I've done some research and from what I hear these are the next best thing to copics but they're a shit ton cheaper! Here's a Lil test drawing I did up!

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Animu sharku
At first they bleed an AWFUL LOT but I'll get used to them I think! I mean it's better than having no colors at all

Animu sharku At first they bleed an AWFUL LOT but I'll get used to them I think! I mean it's better than having no colors at all

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