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Song of chapter: Pretty girl by Maggie Lindemann
Bella's pov:
I walked down the streets of L.A in the dark star splattered sky. Cameras flashed, people asking for autographs on the daily. I don't mind but, at times I just want to escape, not just at times but everyday. "Hey sexy little mama, let me take you home tonight!" Yelled a man who looked in his 20's. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. All of this makes me uncomfortable, I never wanted this to happen. I felt light drops of rain on my hair. "Shit. " I murmured and I started speed walking. My speed walking started to become to me running in my high heel pink and white combat boots. The rain got heavier and heavier. I ran to find somewhere to get covered. I ran by apartment complexes until I found my best friend Maggie's building. As I ran I slipped on a puddle and fell on top a figure. "Watch where you're-woah hey there sweet thing, you okay?" The boy who looked like my age and with bright blue eyes asked me. I rolled my eyes and got off of him. I took off my boots because the heel of one broke off. I held my combat boots in my hand and the boy still stood there. "Hey cutie, I'm sorry but you're mighty fine." "Fuck off." I spat back and turned my heels. The boy touched my shoulder and spin me around to where we were face to face. "You're Bella Mercedes right?" "Uh yeah? Do you also realize that we're standing in the middle of pouring rain." "Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious." "You're welcome." I said back in a petty way and walked away with my bare black socks on. "Hey Bella, mami why don't I take you're sexy ass back to my house and we can finish what we started." He stated licking his lips and it made my stomach squirm. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off as I walked in the pouring rain to Maggie's house.
"Girl, oh my gosh come in you're soaking wet!" Yelled Mags as we gave each other a kiss on the cheek. "Girl, you don't even know what happened outside. My damn hair got wet and shit. I fell on top of this cutie with the most beautiful eyes." "Woah, get sum B." Mags said and we both giggled. As Maggie and I talk about what just happened I changed into her clothes. We sat on Maggie's bed and I laid my head on her stomach. "So tell me about Hayes, is he as dreamy as you described him?" "No he was such a scumbag, a fucking douche. He kept hinting that he wanted to smash and shit. I passed even though I'd love to see how it would be like with him." "Honey, we need to take you to find somebody. Brennen and I could set you up with Colby. The one with the cute smile and pretty eyes" Maggie said and I thought about it. "He's really cute, I'd dig him but like I'm not sure. No one understands my quirkiness like you and my other friends do. Plus I'm way out of his league. No one is gonna want to date a model who is supposedly a slut. The only couple guys I dated were always for publicly or just wanted me for fame and money." I explained and shut my eyes. "Everyone thinks I'm happy, being a slut, letting guys touch my boobs and ass just for modeling. Each touch of my boob or grab of my ass is money for them and myself. But no one really knows the reality behind the picture." "Babes, I would help you. I honestly would but remember you can't break that contract because of what you did in Canada. They can pull out the dirty records and put you in jail here in the U.S. That agency ain't playing. They'll dig deep into you doing drugs, being in gangs, stealing, killing, everything just so you can stay in the modeling business. And, I know why you did it, shoot I'd do the same just to keep a roof over my head and to have food." Maggie said as a couple tears dropped from my eyes.
Is it boring? Lowkey I think it is but this is the story plot / set up. Vote and comment if you would like to! Also I wouldn't mind if you followed thanks for reading (:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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